Hormonal Harmony HB5 Reviews – Detailed Report On Advanced Weight Loss Formula!

Dr. Ricardo Alvarez | Last Updated : May 24, 2024

May 2024 Update: Are you a person who is searching for an effective formula for your hormonal balance issues? You may come across many Hormonal Harmony HB5 reviews on the internet. If you have stumbled upon this Hormonal Harmony HB5 review, Then let me assist you in your weight-loss journey by helping you make the best decision!

I’m Dr. Ricardo Alvarez, and to put it lightly, I specialize in taking down fake supplements. There is an appalling number of such worthless supplements being sold today that it leaves me fuming. That’s why I’ve made it my mission to help my readers find the most legitimate supplements available in the market.

Today I’ll be reviewing the Hormonal Harmony HB5 supplement by Hormonal Harmony. At first glance, the supplement seems legit. So let’s waste no time and start breaking it down!

Hormonal Harmony HB5 Reviews – All You Need To Know!

If you have always been mad you have ever been told that you are unable to lose weight because you are too lazy or because you don’t “want to be skinny bad enough”, don’t ever be discouraged.

The first thing that you should realize is that your weight struggles could have nothing to do with willpower. It might not even have anything to do with your eating habits.

For example, it is common knowledge that thyroid imbalance could cause abnormal weight gain. Heavy workouts or stringent diets would have no effect on such persons. But thyroid is not the only hormone that could affect your body weight.

That is why when it comes to weight loss, there is no one-stop solution for all. The Hormonal Harmony HB5 supplement offers an alternative way to burn fat. It could be the weight-loss solution for those suffering from hormonal imbalance.

So keep reading this Hormonal Harmony HB5 review to learn everything you need to know about this weight-loss supplement.

Hormonal Harmony HB5 Reviews
Supplement NameHormonal Harmony HB5
Used ForTo fix hormonal blocks
BrandHormonal Harmony
Health Benefits
  • Destroy hormonal blocks
  • Promote rapid weight loss
  • Helps to improve memory and focus
  • Improved sleep cycle
  • Key Ingredients
  • Kelp
  • Rhodiola Rosea
  • Red Ginseng
  • Bladderwrack
  • Broccoli and Cauliflower
  • Cinnamon
  • African Mango
  • Supplement FormEasy to swallow capsules
    Manufacturing Standards
  • Made under FDA approved facility
  • Manufactured in the USA
  • GMP certified manufacturing facility
  • Risk-free
  • Recommended Serving SizeTake 3 capsules a day with or without food
    Unit Count90 dietary capsules per bottle
  • Keep reach out to children under the age of 18
  • Not recommended for pregnant women & lactating mothers
  • Consult a doctor if you are under any treatment
  • Results ExpectedIn 2 – 3 months
    Side EffectsNo major side effects reported
  • Only purchase from the official website
  • Avoid purchasing from marketplaces like Amazon, eBay, etc. they may be fake
  • Multipack AvailabilityAvailable in 1 bottle, 3 bottles, and in 6 bottles
    Money-Back Guarantee180 days
    AvailabilityOnly through the official website (Check The Availability)
    Official WebsiteClick Here

    What is Hormonal Harmony HB5 supplement?

    Hormonal Harmony HB5 is an all-natural dietary supplement in the form of easy-to-swallow capsules that offer to help with hormonal problems including weight-loss resistance. The advanced hormone balance support formula was developed by hormone specialist, Dr. Eric J. Wood, ND, and is manufactured by the trusted supplement brand Hormonal Harmony.

    Hormonal Harmony HB5 weight loss formula helps to fix 5 hormonal blocks that lead to weight-loss resistance. This is the reason why a large number of men and women struggle to lose weight despite all the drastic measures they try out.

    The 5 hormonal blocks have to do with thyroid, cortisol, estrogen, insulin, and leptin. Unblocking these 5 crucial hormones will help burn stubborn fat faster. The name of the supplement HB5 stands for “Hormonal Balance 5”. This is because the supplement is designed to support the balance of these five hormones.

    A single bottle of the Hormonal Harmony HB5 hormone balance support formula contains a 30 day supply of 90 capsules. Each capsule is made in an FDA-approved and GMP-certified state-of-the-art facility in the United States and every batch of the supplement is third-party tested for purity and potency.

    Quality of ingredients★★★★☆
    Allergen InformationAllergen-Free
    Customer Ratings  ⭐⭐⭐⭐Rating: 4 out of 5

    Hormonal Harmony HB5 Ingredients: Are they 100% natural?

    HB5 Hormonal Balance formula is a natural blend of plant extracts, minerals, and nutrients. Some of the key Hormonal Harmony HB5 ingredients and its health benefits are given below in this Hormonal Harmony HB5 review:

    Kelp is a seaweed that includes essential vitamins, minerals, and trace elements in it. It is known for its disease-fighting abilities and can also raise your energy levels.

    🔹Rhodiola Rosea
    Rhodiola Rosea is a natural herb that is rich in adaptogens that help your body to adapt to stress and other imbalances. Most commonly, it is used to treat anxiety, fatigue, and depression.

    🔹Red Ginseng
    Red Ginseng or American Ginseng is a herb that is widely used to treat several medical conditions. Research and scientific studies found that a chemical compound found in ginseng helps to increase your energy level, boost cognitive functions, and even treat erectile dysfunction.

    Bladderwrack, scientifically known as Fucus vesiculosus is a type of seaweed that is commonly used in traditional medicinal practices. It is rich in essential compounds such as vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants and provides various health benefits for users.

    🔹Broccoli and Cauliflower
    Broccoli and Cauliflower are cruciferous vegetables that are rich in fiber and vitamins. They contain a compound known as pantothenic acid that helps in cancer prevention, improved heart health, and reduces inflammation.

    Cinnamon is known for its anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal properties. It helps to restore the imbalances of your gut, and alleviate any digestive issues.

    🔹African Mango
    African Mango also known as Irvingia gabonensis can aid weight loss in obese people and also help lower blood cholesterol levels. Studies suggest that African Mango is rich in fiber and triglycerides which makes it an essential ingredient in most weight loss supplements.

    Hormonal Harmony HB5 Ingredients

    Click Here To Order HB5 Supplement From The Official Website

    How does Hormonal Harmony HB5 work?

    HB5 weight loss reviews will help you to know how does this formula help you in rapid fat burning. Hormonal Harmony HB5 capsule works by addressing the hormonal blocks of leptin, insulin, estrogen, cortisol, and thyroid hormones in your body. The Hormonal Harmony HB5 ingredients help your thyroid gland to produce more T3 and T4 hormones. These hormones are able to control and improve your metabolic activities.

    High stress and pressure may increase the level of cortisol hormones in your body which can lead to a weakened metabolism, immune system, and cognitive functions. Rhodiola Rosea is a key Hormonal Harmony HB5 ingredient that is known to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression.

    Likewise, the Hormonal Harmony HB5 ingredients such as broccoli and cauliflower are known to fix the hormonal block linked to estrogen. The cinnamon extract is included in Hormonal Harmony HB5 hormone support formula to support healthy insulin levels.

    Benefits of Hormonal Harmony HB5 Formula

    While collecting Hormonal Harmony HB5 reviews from customers I have come across many benefits of the supplement. The primary benefit of course is that you get to reduce weight naturally while having more balanced and healthy hormones in your system.

    Some of the major benefits of Hormonal Harmony HB5 hormone balance support formula are given below:

    ✔️Improves Energy And Freshness: Hormonal Harmony HB5 capsule helps fight fatigue from your body. Once you start taking the supplement, you will start feeling more energetic and refreshed every day.

    ✔️Improves Focus And Concentration: HB5 can help improve your memory and focus. As a result, you will find better focus in everyday activities and better memory in dealing with responsibilities.

    ✔️Relief From Anxiety And Nervousness: Hormonal Harmony HB5 supplement also helps in relieving nervousness and anxiety. As such, you will experience lesser panic attacks and lower stress levels.

    ✔️Enhances Strength And Metabolism: Hormonal Harmony HB5 ingredients can enhance metabolism. Increased metabolism allows the body to absorb much more nutrients as a result of which you will feel stronger and healthier.

    ✔️Relief From Fogginess And Dizziness: HB5 helps in improving the flow of oxygen and blood to the brain. This can help those suffering from brain fog or constant dizziness.

    ✔️Improved Sleep And Wake Cycle: Hormonal Harmony HB5 pill can help stabilize sleep-wake cycles. As a result, you will get proper sleep and will not feel tired after waking up in the morning.

    ✔️Free From Stimulants And Chemicals: There are no synthetics stimulants used in the HB5 supplement, thus minimizing the chances of side effects. It is also free from artificial flavoring agents, colors, and preservatives, making it absolutely safe for consumption.

    Hormonal Harmony HB5 Benefits

    Hormonal Harmony HB5 Side Effects: Is it safe?

    According to my research, all the ingredients used in the Hormonal Harmony HB5 supplement have already been clinically tested to be safe and free from major side effects. Besides, all the Hormonal Harmony HB5 ingredients are sourced from nature and used in sparse quantities, so you wouldn’t have to worry about harmful effects.

    It is advised not to overdose yourself, as there can be a high risk of consequences. The official website of Hormonal Harmony HB5 hormone support formula also advises those with a prior medical condition or those taking other prescription medications to consult a doctor prior to use. This can ensure that there isn’t any counteraction with the medications you are already taking.

    I would also suggest that those below the age of 18, pregnant women, and nursing mothers restrain from using Hormonal Harmony HB5 capsules unless your doctor suggests otherwise.

    1️⃣ For Thyroid Hormones:
    Kelp, Magnesium, Zinc, Selenium, Copper, Manganese, B12, and Bladderwrack.
    2️⃣ For Cortisol
    Rhodiola Rosea Extrat and Red Ginseng
    3️⃣ For Estrogen
    DIM (Diindolylmethane)
    4️⃣ For Insulin
    5️⃣ For Leptin
    African Mango

    Hormonal Harmony HB5 Results & Longevity

    As per many Hormonal Harmony HB5 reviews, customers say that within the first two months, you will start seeing a change in your mood, as well as your body, being stronger and more energetic. According to the manufacturer, the Hormonal Harmony HB5 results will last for a good year or more if you are continuously using the Hormonal Harmony HB5 dietary supplement.

    Costumer reports also corroborate this as many have found that the Hormonal Harmony HB5 results last for one or two years with at least 3 months of use. It is also advised that you may want to cut down on alcohol and fast would if you want to enjoy longer-lasting results. This along with a balanced diet and workout will enhance the functioning of Hormonal Harmony HB5 formula in your body.

    Hormonal Harmony HB5 Results

    Hormonal Harmony HB5 Dosage & Consumption Method

    As far as Hormonal Harmony HB5 hormone support formula dosage is concerned, the official website suggests that you take 3 capsules per day. The pills are easy to swallow. So taking 3 pills shouldn’t be a problem. So it is advised that you use the supplement as suggested on the product label and not decrease the dose or overdose.

    It is suggested that you should use the Hormonal Harmony HB5 capsule consistently for a prolonged period of 2 to 3 months if you want to see complete Hormonal Harmony HB5 results. So I would advise that you not quit using the supplement after a month if you really want to see results.

    Hormonal Harmony HB5 Dosage

    Is Hormonal Harmony Supplement legit?

    Hormonal Harmony HB5 supplement is made from natural ingredients and is manufactured in an FDA-approved facility in the United States. So you can trust that it is no poor quality product imported from third-world countries.

    Also, thousands of Hormonal Harmony HB5 customers seem to have found positive Hormonal Harmony HB5 results. And I can tell you there isn’t a better source to trust than customers who have already used it.

    Besides, the manufacturer also offers an unbelievable 180-day no-questions-asked 100% money-back guarantee. This shows that they are confident about the quality of the product and all but proves its legitimacy.

    Hormonal Harmony HB5 Customer Reviews & Complaints

    There are no major complaints as of now in regards to the Hormonal Harmony HB5 supplement. As I was going through various Hormonal Harmony HB5 reviews, the responses are fairly positive. Despite my exhaustive research, I couldn’t find any major complaints about the Hormonal Harmony HB5 hormonal block solution. In fact, most customers had only good things to say about the supplement.

    The testimonials given on the page are also a credible source to believe that the Hormonal Harmony HB5 supplement does not have any side I did come across a few who weren’t satisfied with the results after a month of use. But that’s the case even with the best supplements. So I won’t read much into it. Overall, I can say that Hormonal Harmony HB5 customer reviews are showing that the users are highly satisfied with the Hormonal Harmony HB5 results.

    Hormonal Harmony HB5 Customer Reviews

    Hormonal Harmony HB5 Pricing & Availability

    Hormonal Harmony always offers its Hormonal Harmony HB5 supplement at the best prices. Currently, there are three Hormonal Harmony HB5 price deals you can choose from:

    🔺Sample Package – 1 Bottle – $49

    🔺Most Popular – 3 Bottles – $117 ($39 per bottle)

    🔺Best Value – 6 Bottles – $174 ($29/ bottle)

    Among the three available choices, the 6-bottle package seems to offer the best value as you can each bottle for the cheapest price and it will last you for the doctor-recommended period of use. The 3 bottle pack is also a good choice if your condition is not too severe, and you cannot afford the best value package.

    Hormonal Harmony HB5 supplement is available for purchase only on the official product website. As per the manufacturers, this is what allows them to ensure the same quality with each purchase and also to make the supplement available at affordable rates.

    However, be aware that there could be fake websites selling fraudulent products using the same or similar name and likeness. These websites are designed to trick unsuspecting customers and steal money from their pockets. So take extra care to purchase Hormonal Harmony HB5 formula only from the official website. You can use the link below just to be sure.

    Click Here To Order HB5 Supplement From The Official Website

    The official website of HB5 also offers a 180-day money-back guarantee. That is a full refund for you within 180-day of purchase, no questions asked. You can make use of this offer if you do not like HB5 for any reason. Just make sure that you purchase HB5 from its official website to take advantage of this risk-free, full refund policy.

    Final Take on Hormonal Harmony HB5 Reviews

    According to Hormonal Harmony HB5 reviews, If you are finding it impossible to shed fat despite trying everything from keto diets and extensive workout routines, then the Hormonal Harmony HB5 hormone support formula might well be the alternate solution you have been looking for.

    Thousands of customers suffering from hormonal balance problems seem to have found positive results after using Hormonal Harmony HB5 supplement. The supplement is considered effective as it works on the root cause of weight-loss resistance. The effectiveness of the formula is clear through many positive Hormonal Harmony HB5 reviews.

    All the Hormonal Harmony HB5 ingredients are also clinically tested to be safe. Besides, Hormonal Harmony HB5 hormonal blockage solution also comes with a 180-day money-back guarantee, making it a zero-risk purchase. So I’d say it is an alternative that is definitely worth a shot.

    Click Here To Order HB5 Supplement From The Official Website (60 Days Money Back Guarantee

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Q. Is there any allergen substance in the Hormonal Harmony HB5 supplements?

    HB5 supplements are free of any kinds of allergens including soy, dairy, gluten, and meat. You need not worry about having any kind of side effects as the ingredients used in making the supplement is natural.

    Q. How much time will it take for my order to be delivered?

    It will take about 5-7 working days for domestic shipping. If it is international shipping it might take up to 15 working days. You can track your order online and there will be no confusion in regard to shipment.

    Q. Can I consume it if I am above 40 years of age?

    Yes, you can have the supplement even if you are above 40. Anyone who is above 18 years can consume the pills. It is effective equally for all adults regardless of age.

    Q. How does the refund policy of HB5 supplements work?

    HB5 supplements come with a 180-day money-back guarantee that assures a 100% instant refund. All you have to do is contact their customer support team via an email or phone call and request a refund. You need not explain and answer any questions. It is a hassle-free process and you will instantly be refunded. There is no need to return the bottles.

    Q. What do I do if I accidentally overdose?

    If there comes a circumstance wherein you have overdosed, you can’t wait to check if there is any reaction. If you feel sick, dizzy, or nauseous it is best you go to the hospital for a check-up or to clean your stomach.


    1. Better Health Channel (n.d) Hormonal (endocrine) system. Available [Online] at: https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/conditionsandtreatments/hormonal-endocrine-system
    2. Centers for Disease Control and prvention (n.d) Available [Online] at: https://www.cdc.gov/healthyweight/index.html
    3. National Institutes of Health (n.d). Some Myths about Nutrition & Physical Activity Available[Online]at: https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/weight-management/myths-nutrition-physical-activity

    Dr. Ricardo Alvarez

    Dr. Ricardo Alvarez was a former Medical professor and faculty at Harvard Medical school. After resigning, now he is practicing as a general physician who deals with the diagnosis and treatment of general health problems and disorders. He earned his MS and PhD from Columbia University. Ricardo Alvarez completed his undergraduate education from an accredited medical college under the University of London and completed his training from AMCAS and is a doctor with earned board certification.

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