5G Male Reviews – Does This Male Performance Enhancer Offers Guaranteed Results?

Dr. Ricardo Alvarez | Last Updated : February 3, 2021

Wondering if the 5G Male Performance Enhancer could solve your sexual worries? Read this 5G Male Performance Enhancer review to make an informed choice. 

Sexual dysfunctions are a taboo subject for us men. Many of us won’t talk about our lack of healthy erections in the bedroom or the fact that our sex lives dissatisfactory and chore-like.

5G Male Reviews – Formula & Ingredients As Follows!

Many couples, especially men, merely go through the actions of making love instead of enjoying the experience. A soft erection, inability to sustain an erection, or premature orgasms are major culprits that cause this.

Well, the 5G Male Performance Enhancer claims to help men solve the sexual dysfunctions and regain a happy sex life. Let us have a look at this formula in this 5G Male Performance Enhancer review.

Product Name5G Male Performance Enhancer
Main benefitsContains a patented formula of 5 potent natural herbs that boost sexual performance
IngredientsGarlic, Ginseng, Ginko Leaves, Ginger, Green Tea
CategoryMale Enhancement
Administration RouteOral
DosageConsume one capsule daily
Result2-3 months
Alcohol WarningNo Restriction
Side EffectsNo Major Side Effects
Price$69.95 For one bottle
AvailabilityOnly through the official website
Official WebsiteClick Here

What is it?

The 5G Male Performance Enhancer is a supplement that promises men relief from sexual dysfunctions. It claims to contain a potent formula of 5 natural herbs that enhance male sexual health and experience. It claims to support harder, long-lasting erections and gives you better sexual health. 

Sexual dysfunctions haunt many men. From flaccid and soft erections to low sperm count and premature ejaculations, many issues cause us to face embarrassment in the bedroom, in front of our partners. From stress to lifestyle choices, and diets, the causes for such complications are many. 

Your inability to sustain an erection may be perceived negatively by women who prefer their man to be well endowed and functioning, below the belt. The 5G Male Performance supplement helps you regain the sexual vigor of your younger years, regardless of how old you are. 

This supplement contains a patented formula of 5 potent natural herbs that boost sexual performance. These are familiar to traditional medicine cultures as strong aphrodisiacs and energy boosters. The specific proportion that these ingredients are combined in this formula boosts their effects through the synergy of these elements.

Through the effect of these ingredients, the 5G Male Performance Enhancer promises harder, lasting erections for you. It helps you get an erection as and when you need, at the drop of a hat. This supplement also boosts your overall sexual health, increasing sperm production and sperm quality. Overall, this leads to longer, more passionate love-making sessions that guarantee intense pleasure for you. 

Let us take a look at the patented 5G Male Performance Enhancer ingredients through this 5G Male Performance Enhancer review. 

5G Male Performance Enhancer Ingredients

The 5G Male Performance Enhancer ingredients contain a combination of five rare yet potent herbs that directly contribute to happier and more fulfilling sex life. More than the properties of these herbs, it is their proportion in this formula that gives men exponential results. These five herbs are as follows. 


This is not just any garlic, it is the rare Vietnamese variety that is used in 5G Male Performance Enhancer. Garlic is known to clean the insides of blood vessels. This herb removes fat buildup, harmful chemicals, etc, from within the circulatory system. This leads to increased blood flow across the body. Better blood flow to the genitalia gives you harder erections that last longer. Besides, Garlic helps release enzymes that help reduce and manage stress levels, leading to better sexual health.


Ginseng is known to increase sperm production and improves sperm quality. Ginseng helps the body produce more sperm which leads to more intense orgasms for you. This improves your sexual satisfaction. You will have longer-lasting erections with the use of Ginseng, helping you make love for longer. 

Ginko Leaves

This oldest tree known to man is used in various cultures for its medicinal properties. It has been used as a male sexual enhancer in oriental medicine. It is thought to treat impotence in men. This gives men increased sexual stimulus and drive, increasing their libido exponentially. This herb guarantees instant and strong erections for men, with very minimal sexual stimuli.


Ginger is present in many cuisines and traditional medicines. It is known to improve issues with the pulmonary system. It promotes blood circulation, dilating the blood vessels. Ginger induces more production of Nitric Oxide which strengthens the vascular walls, resulting in improved blood flow which is also mentioned in savage grow plus reviews.

Green Tea

There is no end to the positive impact that green tea has on human health. Rich in antioxidants, it prevents cell damage and helps repair and reproduce body cells. It rebuilds the cells of your penis, repairing all damage your genitalia might have. Specific molecules known as EGCG found in green tea are known to improve penile soft tissue. In addition, this herb strengthens the heart, granting longer, healthier lifespans.

What are the 5G Male Performance Enhancer benefits? 

There are many benefits that any man may expect with the use of the 5G Male Performance Enhancer. Some of these benefits are as follows.

  • On-demand erections and instant arousal
  • Erections that are rock hard and last long
  • Increased libido
  • Stress management and reduction
  • Improved mood and clarity of thought
  • Improved mental abilities
  • Better blood circulation
  • Great heart health and life expectancy
  • Strong masculine physique
  • Enhanced confidence, inside the bedroom and outside
  • Self-esteem
  • Great sexual satisfaction and stronger relationship
  • A happier and successful relationship
  • Joyful personal life

This list has no end but you get the drift. 5G Male Performance Enhancer review ensures that this enhancement formula not only impacts male sexual health but also improves their overall health and wellbeing.

Bonuses along with 5G Male Performance Enhancer

You get several bonuses if you purchase the 5G Male Performance Enhancer today. These are:

  1. Select people get an upgrade to the improved 5G Male Plus performance booster which contains several more ingredients such as Rhodiola Rosea, etc. 
  2. “5G Enhancement Bible” which offers information on male sexual enhancement
  3. “The Multiplier Method” ebook helps you exponentially increase the results
  4. “XXL Formula” ebook to enlarge your penis and stop it from shrinking
  5. “The Magic Words That Drive Her Mad” ebook is a complete dirty talk guide
  6. Text To Sext Course” ebook teaches the inner workings of sexting
  7. “Female Confessions” ebook and video which opens up the female sexual universe to you
  8. Discrete packaging, Bottle, Billing, and Shipment to protect your privacy

Side effects, Dosage & How to use it? 

Being a completely natural formula that has been thoroughly tested, there are no 5G Male Performance Enhancer side effects. It has a shelf life of at least 2 years as well.

However, it is safer to consult with your doctor before taking this pill if you suffer from any serious health issues. 

As to the usage of this supplement, you need to take one capsule of this supplement with water every day. This dosage is fully optimized for any age and body size. And you will not have to modify the dosage to suit you as per many 5G Male Performance Enhancer reviews.

Is it a magic cream? 

Definitely not. Anyone grown-up enough to know about sexual dysfunctions should know this too. There isn’t a magic pill for sexual problems. 

Of course, the results of this supplement may be called miraculous. But it is the scientific principles behind its composition that gives you outstanding results, not magic. 

How long will it take to see the result? 

When you are prescribed any medication by a doctor, he will ask you to continue it for a period. Similarly, 5G Male Performance Enhancer also takes a minimum of three months of usage to show lasting results.

5g male performance enhancer customer reviews

How long would the results stay? 

Given that you consistently take your daily dose of 5G Male Performance Enhancer for a minimum of three months, you should expect its results to last you for a couple of years, minimum. You can make healthy changes to your lifestyle and continue taking this supplement to see the results last for a lifetime.

Price & Where to get it 

You can get a bottle of 5G Male Performance Enhancer only on the official website. This is since the maker is selling it directly to you, avoiding middlemen and reducing the price of this formula. As a first time buyer, you also stand to gain a 3-month satisfaction guarantee on this supplement. This means you can claim a refund if not satisfied within 90 days. 

You can buy this formula in the below-given packages

  • 1 Month Supply (1 Bottle)- $69.95
  • 3 Month Supply (3 Bottles)- $179.00
  • 6 Month Supply (6 Bottles)-$317.00

Product Complaints and customer reviews 

Our search for any complaints of this formula returned no results. Most reviews mention that it has no complaints.

Is the Product Scam or legit?

The widespread acceptance and demand for this formula is a testimonial to its legitimacy. This supplement offers legitimate and genuine results that last.

Final Verdict On 5G Male Review

The 5G Male Performance Enhancer promises so much for you if you suffer any of the debilitating sexual conditions. It helps you get and retain instant, hard erections that last. So far mentioned in the 5G Male Performance Enhancer review, the organic formula of this supplement has no side effects and the results manifest with no major changes to your lifestyle or diet. 

I believe you too can regain the sexual prowess of your youth using this formula. The 5G Male Performance Enhancer is a risk-free investment that can lead you to a happy and fulfilling sex life.

Dr. Ricardo Alvarez

Dr. Ricardo Alvarez was a former Medical professor and faculty at Harvard Medical school. After resigning, now he is practicing as a general physician who deals with the diagnosis and treatment of general health problems and disorders. He earned his MS and PhD from Columbia University. Ricardo Alvarez completed his undergraduate education from an accredited medical college under the University of London and completed his training from AMCAS and is a doctor with earned board certification.

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