The FDA Has Updated Booster Shots- Here’s What You Need To Know!

Teresa Breaux | Last Updated : September 9, 2022

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has updated its recommendations for booster shots, based on recent medical studies that indicate that the old guidelines are not as effective in preventing disease as previously thought.

The new recommendation suggests adding booster shots to your kids’ vaccine schedule if you want to keep them healthy, with updated recommendations on how frequently they should receive the booster shots and which diseases they should cover. But what does this mean to you? Here’s what you need to know about the updated FDA recommendations and how they can affect your family’s health.

Should I Get A Booster Shot?

If you have never had a pertussis booster, you should get one. However, if you’re not sure when your last vaccine was, it would be safer to go ahead and get a booster even if it was within the past 5 years.

The FDA Has Updated Booster Shots

 Vaccines are a cumulative effect so getting a shot every 5 years can help provide extra protection against the infection and keep your risk low.

How do booster shots benefit those receiving vaccines?

Booster shots are sometimes necessary because it is impossible for the initial vaccine shot to stimulate an immune response in 100% of the population. While in most cases, booster shots are recommended only two or three years after the initial vaccine was administered, people who were vaccinated for chickenpox but had not yet received a booster shot before turning 13 needed to get another dose of varicella-zoster virus (VZV) after this rule change.

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How are booster shots different from a normal vaccine?

A booster shot is a vaccine that may be administered after an initial vaccination series to provide long-lasting immunity. These are generally recommended for children and adults who need protection from diseases like pertussis, tetanus, and diphtheria.

 Unlike the original vaccine, the booster shots require two doses to work, spaced at least six months apart.

Why was the current vaccine schedule updated?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the number of cases of pertussis – or whooping cough – has risen. The vaccine was updated in order to match it with that of other countries where there is more reported incidence.

 Pertussis is a highly contagious respiratory infection that causes uncontrollable, violent coughing.

 It affects infants and young children most often, causing them to have difficulty breathing. If not treated, this can lead to pneumonia, seizures, brain damage, and death. 

These new updates are being called into question by some parents due to possible side effects including severe pain at the injection site as well as fever.

Will my insurance cover it?

 The cost will vary depending on where you go and your insurance plan. There is a federally funded vaccine program available for those who don’t have health insurance, but it might not cover this vaccine.

 Vaccines are a small price to pay for your children’s safety. Children can receive their first dose of the Tdap at ages 10 through 18 years old, but booster shots should be given at age 11 or 12 years old in order to be effective.

What vaccines can be used for adults?

According to the CDC, boosters are designed for three different types of vaccines: Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis), tetanus, and measles-mumps-rubella. The CDC recommends a tetanus booster every 10 years for people who have never received one, a TDAP vaccine within 5 years of every birth, and an MMR vaccine between ages 13 and 18.

Allergy concerns with vaccines

Many of us are not aware that we may be able to get shots with the booster vaccine at the same time as getting tetanus or diphtheria shot, as long as we have other vaccines on our immunization schedule.

In order to fight off deadly diseases, some vaccines require boosters in order to continue working. However, these booster shots can cause allergic reactions. In most cases, the vaccine stimulates your immune system and increases antibodies, which can be treated with a histamine injection. 

It is usually safe for someone who has had a reaction in the past but it is unclear if that immunity will last more than 10 years. Parents of children under 18 should consult with their doctor about the risks associated with booster shots before signing up.


🔵Centers For Disease Control And Prevention (n.d) Stay Up to Date with COVID-19 Vaccines Including Boosters (Available Online):

🔵WebMD (2005-2022) COVID Vaccine Booster: Everything You Need to Know (Available Online):

Teresa Breaux

Teresa Breaux is a renowned health practitioner who serves as a social worker. She expertized in treating eating disorders and focuses mainly on family-based treatments. Apart from working as a health practitioner, she even provides public awareness through her writings and blogs. Her content includes methods by which you can make delicious and healthy recipes. She is so passionate about writing, especially on issues with eating habits and the importance of eating healthy. If you are someone who loves healthy tips to make your life better, then you must have run across her blogs. You can visit her website and even follow her on social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram.

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