West Nile Virus: First Human Case In Rockland This Season

Nikki Attkisson | Last Updated : October 25, 2022

The officials of Rockland County have reported the first human case of West Nile virus. The patient who has tested positive for the infection is a person above the age of 50 years. The detection of the virus in human beings has increased the cause of worry for people and the authorities. 

The time has come when people should protect themselves against the bites of mosquitoes. It is also advisable to prevent the collection of standing water near the individual’s premises so that the breeding place is not provided to the mosquitoes. The large-scale use of mosquito repellents has also been advised on a large scale. Protection is important at this stage. 

Why Is There A Need For Greater Protection? 

There is a need for greater protection because this is not a common mosquito bite. Usually, when the mosquitoes bite, a person can experience redness on the skin and even suffer from a curable fever. But the bite of a mosquito carrying the West Nile virus is not that easy to bear. It can cause a very serious illness and in some situations that can also result in the death of the individual. That is why health officials are focusing a lot on the spread of this infection.

West Nile Virus First Human Case In Rockland This Season

 It can prove fatal if not treated within time. The speed at which the infection multiplies inside the body is exponential. It is believed that the adequate conditions that the virus requires to multiply are actually present inside the human body. In order to prevent the spread of the virus inside the body a person must always be cautious enough especially in such weather conditions when the chances to get infected with this virus are very high. 

What do the officials say about this? 

The chances of getting infected by this virus are limited for the time being. It has been able to affect only people above the age of 50. For Elderly people, This virus is very dangerous. According to the latest report published by the University of Michigan, the West Nile virus can be responsible for causing different types of complications like neurological disorders in elderly people. It can also be said that apart from the illness, including fever and headache, older adults always experience an attenuated version of nausea and body aches. 

The common symptoms that people of all age groups can experience include swelling in the glands, skin rashes, and headaches. The government is also trying to promote awareness concerning these symptoms so that whenever a person experiences even a mild form of the symptoms, he must straight away visit the doctor. It is actually responsible for protecting the human body against different types of illness.

More From Powdersville Post:

🔵West Nile Virus: First Human Case Reported In Solano County

🔵West Nile Virus Was Detected In 2 New York City Residents

What can the people do? 

Protecting oneself against this infection has become much more important after the detection of the first positive case. This is essential because treatment for different types of diseases can be only possible when people are conscious of the changes in the body. Ignoring these symptoms to be as ordinary might take a toll on the life of the person in the long run. 

This is probably the need of the Hour that has to be taken into consideration. In such a kind of situation, a person must be conscious and must note every single change happening in the body. An instant medical cure is required to a great extent. 


The infection will automatically subside after the change of season. But for the time being it is essential to bring a better change in the body of the individual. This is probably the first step that has to be taken into consideration. The self-cure is essential at this time.


🔵Medline Plus(n.d)West Nile virus infection(Available Online): https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/007186.htm

🔵Cleveland Clinic(2022)West Nile Virus(Available Online):


Nikki Attkisson

With over 15 years as a practicing journalist, Nikki Attkisson found herself at Powdersville Post now after working at several other publications. She is an award-winning journalist with an entrepreneurial spirit and worked as a journalist covering technology, innovation, environmental issues, politics, health etc. Nikki Attkisson has also worked on product development, content strategy, and editorial management for numerous media companies. She began her career at local news stations and worked as a reporter in national newspapers.

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