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Elections And The Protests Becoming a Headache For The Security

ByNikki AttkissonNov 6, 2020

In cities across the U.S. demonstrators took to the streets. Wednesday’s presidential election is inching closer to announcing a winner…

Coronavirus Updates From All Across The Country

Coronavirus Updates From All Across The Country

ByNikki AttkissonNov 6, 2020

In the worst possible measure, the spread of the latest coronavirus has infected the planet. So many cases have been…


How TikTok, Parler And Gab Apps Handle Misinformation?

ByNikki AttkissonNov 6, 2020

There is a lot of misinformation, especially in the online media and governments and the public are not able to…


Racism And Health: The Connection challenging To Understand

ByNikki AttkissonNov 6, 2020

Nature formed the whole of humankind. It did not discriminate in any way among the inhabitants. Yet we talk about…

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