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Only 15000 Refugees Will Be Accepted By The United States This Year

Only 15000 Refugees Will Be Accepted By The United States This Year

ByNikki AttkissonOct 2, 2020

This fiscal year, a new historic low for the US, the Administration of Trump has told Congress that it plans…

The U.S. secretory is all set the visit Algeria

The U.S. Secretory Is All Set The Visit Algeria

ByNikki AttkissonOct 2, 2020

U.S. Secretary Mark Esper made a rare country visit to North Africa when he arrived on Thursday in Algeria and…

Masks do not look good and are a cause of concern in the White House

Masks Do Not Look Good And Are a Cause Of Concern In The White House

ByNikki AttkissonOct 2, 2020

In February, the first masks entered the White House on behalf of the National Security Council by particular order. It…

Schumer to take control of health votes

Schumer To Take Control Of Health Votes

ByNikki AttkissonOct 1, 2020

Minority Senate Leader Chuck Schumer has assumed control of the Senate on Tuesday in an exceptionally unusual move and is…

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