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As FDA Receives Criticism Speedier Drug Approvals Are Slowed

As FDA Receives Criticism: Speedier Drug Approvals Are Slowed

ByNikki AttkissonDec 8, 2022

The food and drug administration of The United States of America is one of the most important institutions for approving…

The Covid-19 Vaccination Mandate For Troops Is About To Be Revoked By Congress

The Covid-19 Vaccination Mandate For Troops Is About To Be Revoked By Congress

ByNikki AttkissonDec 8, 2022

It was during the period of the covid-19 that the country of the United States of America decided to make…

Pregnant Women's Drug Fatalities Have Risen To A Record Level

Pregnant Women’s Drug Fatalities Have Risen To A Record Level

ByNikki AttkissonDec 8, 2022

The University of Michigan has conducted a recent study. According to this study, the number of deaths reported in pregnant…

Things Are Getting Worse This Flu Season Is Fierce, Warning From Doctors  

Things Are Getting Worse: This Flu Season Is “Fierce,” Warning From Doctors  

ByNikki AttkissonDec 8, 2022

The situation has not been normal after covid-19 has subsided. After covid 19, there has been an increasing incidence of…

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