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Buttigieg Made History When Sworn In By Kamala Harris

ByNikki AttkissonFeb 22, 2021

Pete Nuttigieg, former South Bend Mayor in Indiana, has been sworn in as President Biden’s transportation secretary. He had broken…


Biden Is Quite Successful In Erasing The Mark Of The Former Guy

ByNikki AttkissonFeb 22, 2021

When the newly elected President Joe Biden entered the Oval Office for first as the president, a month before, his…


x-NFL Player To Face 14 Years Prison In Sex Crimes

ByNikki AttkissonFeb 22, 2021

Former NFL tight end player Kellen Winslow II is going to face prison for 14 years in sex-related crimes. He…


2 Reported Dead In Military Jet Crash

ByNikki AttkissonFeb 22, 2021

Officials said that they lost two people in a crash. According to the statement, a military training jet crashed in…

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