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Biden Upholds Nationwide Memorial For The Souls Lost During The Pandemic

Biden Upholds Nationwide Memorial For The Souls Lost During The Pandemic

ByNikki AttkissonJan 19, 2021

The departed souls of 400,000 Americans after the hit of the COVID-19 pandemic would be honored by Biden and Harris…

National Guard Will Receive Pentagon’s Vet During Presidential Inauguration

National Guard Will Receive Pentagon’s Vet During Presidential Inauguration

ByNikki AttkissonJan 19, 2021

Washington D.C is under high-security measures beforehand the President-elect Biden’s inauguration, according to the Acting Defence Secretary Christopher Miller.  Miller…

U.S Falls In A Trauma With Record Number Of Transmissions And Deaths

COVID-19: U.S Falls In A Trauma With Record Number Of Transmissions And Deaths

ByNikki AttkissonJan 19, 2021

 The COVID-19 pandemic becomes more aggressive in the U.S than ever before since the total number of contractions, deaths, and…

Man is Arrested After Found Living at Chicago’s O’Hare Airport for 3 Months

Man Is Arrested After Found Living At Chicago’s O’Hare Airport For 3 Months

ByNikki AttkissonJan 18, 2021

A man who was living at the O’Hare International Airport in Chicago for about three months has been arrested by…

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