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Supreme Court Says Muslims Put On No-Fly List Can Sue FBI

ByNikki AttkissonDec 12, 2020

The Supreme Court’s support for religious freedom was clearly seen in the ruling given by Associate Justice Clarence Thomas in…


FBI Joins Investigation Into Death Of Ohio Black Man

ByNikki AttkissonDec 10, 2020

The FBI has joined the investigation into the death of Ohio Black man Casey Goodson Jr who was shot multiple…


FTC And 46 States Sue Facebook On Antitrust Grounds

ByNikki AttkissonDec 10, 2020

Facebook is facing problems with the acquisitions of WhatsApp and Instagram as the federal trade commerce, and 46 States have…


XWatch Reviews – Best Quality SmartWatch!

ByNikki AttkissonDec 10, 2020

Are you looking for a genuine XWatch reviews? Now you are in right place. The latest addition to wearable accessories…

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