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Were the voters manipulated?

ByNikki AttkissonNov 7, 2020

Biden has crumbled down Trump’s latest thoughts since he has managed to obtain more votes from the states as compared…


Biden Is Going To Win And Become The New President

ByNikki AttkissonNov 7, 2020

The election of the United States of America has never been without drama. However, this time, many news things have…


Catch These Latest Movies Online During Holiday Weekend

ByNikki AttkissonNov 6, 2020

The surge in Covid 19 cases has resulted in the shutdown of movie theatres across the country. Even though some…


The Spread Of COVID 19 In The Prisons

ByNikki AttkissonNov 6, 2020

“I am going out!” Cardoso screamed from a beige, halfway house, through a second-floor window. In the cold outside of…

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