Bodhi Band Reviews – A Spiritual Band For Promoting Your Growth And Mindfulness?

Josiah finn | Last Updated : November 10, 2021

Bodhi Band Reviews: From precious metals to synthetic or organic, wristbands have been used by humans for centuries, in religious and ideological contexts. Some of these are excellent style statements and ornaments that people are constantly looking for.

But, think of a wristband helping you achieve all the necessary changes in behavior you need. One that allows you to gradually change all aspects of your personality, towards a more grounded, true, and consistent behavior. Well, the Bodhi Band is claimed to be one such product by an ever-growing base of successful users. 

Bodhi Band Reviews – Can A Band Helps To Acheive All Your Desire?

In my opinion, most Bodhi Band reviews you find online don’t do it justice. Often, these reviews are written by copywriters with no idea about the subject matter. They focus on getting the most sales and generating revenue, even at your cost. Such reviews lack the expertise and exposure to behavioral science and human psychology that I utilize in my Bodhi Band review. 

And that’s what makes this Bodhi Band review stand out among all the others. I have been a researcher in the field of psychology for several decades, contributing to several programs, syllabuses, etc. So, I was able to compare this offering with the many successful programs I know of when compiling this review.

This has given me detailed insights into the methods, outcomes, and drawbacks of the Bodhi Band and program. Needless to say, many men and women have found my Bodhi Band review useful in deciding whether to take up the Bodhi Band or not. 

I’m sure you will too. 

Bodhi Band Reviews
Product NameBodhi Band
CreatorsTim, Cris, and Pete
Main BenefitsHelps to achieve success, happiness, and fulfillment
Program TypeDigital Format
SpecificationBodhi Band + Digital Version
Money-Back Guarantee30 Days
AvailabilityOnly through the official website
Official WebsiteClick Here

What is Bodhi Band?

Do not let its name fool you. The Bodhi Band is not just another synthetic band that you can color-match to your dress. No. It is a holistic journey created to help you usher in all the positive traits you know and need in your personality. I’m talking about the good stuff, such as more humility, mindfulness, and gratitude. Beyond personality traits, we know these are the keys to a happier future for both you, and those close to you. 

There are many traits which we all look out for in each other. And these are those ideal traits we hope to develop in ourselves too. However, despite all our best efforts, modern life and its interactions allow no place for such radical changes. Combined with our inability to stick to even the silliest of new resolutions, we may never achieve those good behaviors. 

This is why the Bodhi Band has been created. Unlike what its name implies, the Bodhi Band is not another fashion statement from any top designer. Although it fulfills this purpose in its entirety, Bodhi Band is more of a spiritual and holistic journey. Through a monthly subscription of affirmative bands, mantras, and challenges, Bodhi Band edges you closer to your ideal personality. Each month will be a journey in discovering newer perspectives and outlooks on life. Let us see how this journey takes shape. 

Creator of the Bodhi Band Program

Tim, Cris, and Pete were just like any American youngster, going through the motions of life. This meant they had to face innumerable trials and tribulations before they found success, happiness, and fulfillment.

But, along the way, they came to understand how positive character traits such as gratefulness, and humility influenced life and its outcome. And they had to formulate a method for spreading this message to a wider populace. And they meant to help people along in this journey of self-discovery, not just create a guide. 

Thus, the Bodhi Band was created. Although their trials with life helped them a lot, this band was created after strenuous studies and experimentation.

The positive affirmation etched onto the bands, along with the monthly challenges, etc, the program will aid you to achieve the best personality.  Through this journey, kindness, empathy, and gratitude will set deep roots in your life and heart. This may not always mean riches, and absolute success for you in everything, but it sure will give you happiness and fulfillment, say the creators. 

What is included in Bodhi Band?

In an era of everchanging truths, technological innovation, and rapid automation, we all lack the axioms such as awareness, empathy, and gratefulness, etc.

Couple these with our fast-paced, and relentless careers, we often lack the necessary time too. So, the Bodhi Band as a program offers all that you need for transformation. It employs proven psychological and spiritual methods that organically make you more mindful, kind, and happier, over time. And you can also choose one of the paperback or digital variants of this program which offers: 

◼️Monthly Bodhi Band inscribed with an Affirmative Mantra

◼️An instruction kit that includes

◼️Daily Practices


◼️Monthly Challenges

◼️Hyper-Guided Journalling


◼️Text Message Updates


◼️A PDF version of the instruction for help on-the-go

The Guide will also break down the practices so you can gain a solid understanding of these based on science and psychology

And a whole lot more. The Bodhi Band product and its monthly guide will constantly remind you of your objective for that month. Here are a few examples of the practices involved. 

🔲Month 1- Take Notice

“Don’t hurry. Don’t worry. And be sure to smell the flowers along the way.” 

– Walter Hagen

◼️Learn to stop, look around, and appreciate the things of beauty in your life. Find limitless happiness.

◼️Daily Practice- Beauty in the little things

◼️Monthly Challenge- Picture Day

◼️Journaling- Incorporate the Little Things

🔲Month 5- Give

“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.”

– Aesop

◼️Learn to give endlessly and make selflessness your primary trait. Reap unlimited joy for both you and others.

◼️Daily Practice- Random Acts of Kindness

◼️Monthly Challenge- Start a Give Calendar

◼️Journaling- Acts of kindness that made you and others happy

🔲Month 13- Write Your Own Story

“You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.”

– C.S. Lewis

◼️Take control of your life, and where it is headed. In the thirteenth month of this digital program, you start to create the life you wanted. 

◼️Daily Practice- Story Affirmation

◼️Monthly Challenge- Write Your Story

◼️Journaling- Story Journal detailing your objective, good habits, and the bad ones

Overall, the challenges will promote your growth and mindfulness. The practices and lessons will aggregate into a newer, better, and more positive version of yourself. The physical and mental health benefits, as well as spiritual growth, that follows, are intangible, in the words of its subscribers. Now, let us take a look at how this works. 

Bodhi Band Includes

How does Bodhi Band work?

In theory, the Bodhi Band does not work at all if you do not. Let me clarify. The Bodhi Band digital program is a spiritual, emotional, and physical journey of enlightenment. Albeit, it is a journey you must take yourself. As you might have learned already, no one else will ever be able to change you, except yourself. 

So, the Bodhi Band acts as a pair of crutches for those attempting to stand up. Quite literally, it lifts you and provides emotional and mental support throughout your journey of self-discovery.

The universal cause band you receive each month will have your mantra etched in metal. This will be your first reminder and companion in your spiritual awakening. Worn throughout a month, you will know what you intend to achieve that month, every time you look at your wrist.

The band is made of safe materials, free from harmful chemicals, and is extremely durable. This ensures that you get to take your whole journey with you, whether you are on a business trip or rock climbing. 

The second, more crucial part of the program is the Bodhi Band guide and instructions. All subscribers receive either a paperback or digital copy of this guide.

It contains simple daily challenges that enable the personality traits to take root in your soul. The affirmations given within these pages will help you re-orient and re-structure your life. Your outlook on life will transform, such that will exponentiate growth. By helping you understand your baseline, and setting goals for each month, Bodhi Band guide will help set a success framework for your future in place. You’ll learn to make mindful journaling a part of your life with automatic prompts. 

Here, it is unfair to proceed without mentioning the outstanding support you are given by the Bodhi Band team. This includes text messages, reminders, and a whole lot more that will help keep your sense of direction and purpose. Plus, the expert team is available for support anytime, in case you need any further assistance. 

Bodhi Band Story Arc

Bodhi Band Benefits

Many benefits follow a mindful and evolving life. The constant affirmation of positive values, and the varied practices, challenges, etc, will create a snowballing of positivity in your life.

The one who gains the most with this program, even as you give endlessly and serve others, is you. Here are some of the major benefits of this program. 

🔳Your life is seeded with positivity, kindness, and more. 

🔳The program lays out a curated plan for you to transform from A-Z

🔳You’ll get to work on the foundational principles that embed positive behavior. 

🔳Get to know the real you from minutest to the macro scale

🔳Find orientation, and drive, all from the depths of your being

🔳Have a vision and framework to achieve your dream life

🔳Connect with others and nurture the best relationships with your positivity

🔳Find energy and drive to be you, even when the world is forcing you otherwise

🔳Give back to the community, as well as the world, through your kind and empowering behavior

🔳Gain strength and integrity, both physically and mentally

🔳Assimilate mantras, practices, and behavior that will deliver unending happiness for your soul

And much, much, more. The program takes a bit of getting used to, as it steps so far out of normal human existence. But, the practices have wide applications once understand them. And these add constantly to your happiness, wellbeing, and success in life. 

Bodhi Band

Pros and Cons


🔲Simple and easy practices

🔲Well structured and organic transformation

🔲Suits all people, regardless of age, gender, etc

🔲A physical reminder in the form of a wristband

🔲A guide that includes all you need for growth

🔲Principles took from proven science, as well as experience


🔲Available exclusively on the official website

🔲Requires the user’s commitment and dedication

Do Bodhi Band manifest happiness and a better future?

As crazy as this sounds, the Bodhi Band does exactly that. I know this is a bit counter-intuitive. But the positivity and goodness ushered into your being will overflow into your life too.

The program solidifies the foundations of your life. Further, it allows you to take control, and drive your growth. This means you can enjoy success and satisfaction in any field, regardless of what the outcome is.

You will do things purely for the sake of it, which saves you a lot of heartbreak and disappointment. And all success gained on top of that will just be the icing on the cake. 

So, yes, the Bodhi Band does help you have unending happiness in life. Subsequently, a better future follows. 

Bodhi - Band

Is Bodhi Band legit or not?

It is quite difficult for anyone to estimate the legitimacy of programs such as the Bodhi Band. This is due to the realm that they work in. Ultimately, the success of such programs and guides is defined and determined by its users.

There are individual, cultural, and career preferences that differentiate people from one another. One may define as success something that another person does not. In this aspect, the Bodhi Band and guide, etc, are of a broader prospect for everyone. 

You must have seen the surge in its demand yourself when searching for this review. More people are discovering this program and flocking to it.

This is also thanks to the pandemic, and the personal awakening people have undergone during this period. Just the same, the Bodhi Band program has already helped thousands of men and women the world over. This is evident from the numerous Bodhi Band reviews that are being published every day.

It lacks no positive remarks, which the customer reviews provide aplenty. Some even have no end to their praise of this guide and attribute all of their lives’ success to Bodhi Band. 

So, in a sense of customer acceptance, results, and the overall social impact, the Bodhi Band program turns up ace. The creators of this program are legitimate, and real humans, with a lifetime of experiences behind them. All of this proves that the Bodhi Band is a legitimate program. 

Bodhi Band Customer reviews and complaints

One look through the reviews online will show you how deep an impact this program has on users. Many have even come online just to share their stories and inspire others.

From the customer reviews, it seems that the influence of its practices is boundless. From a personal and family level, all the way to the larger society, the Bodhi Band has an impact. 

The Bodhi Band customer reviews have no negative aspects to mention, whereas the benefits are endless. Based on what people were aiming for, and what they discovered they should be aiming for, users have varying experiences. Needless to say, these were all positive stories that resound in your mind, inspiring you unlike much else. 

The program follows practices and methods proven over time, and through legitimate scientific knowledge. There are no harmful practices or even ideas in the Bodhi Band program. Likewise, none of the reviews or customer feedback mentions a complaint of following Bodhi Band. 

Bodhi Band Pricing and Availability

Given the effectiveness, applicability, and scope of results from the Bodhi Band, the demand for it is rising. There is stupendous demand for this program, and nearly as many faux websites offer similar sounding programs.

This is why the creators have limited their subscription to the official website. This gives them greater control over their sales, offers, etc. Above all, this gives you, the customer an opportunity to buy the legitimate program. 

There are several packages offered on the official website. These are as follows. 

🔲Bodhi Band Monthly Subscription- $19.00/month

🔲Bodhi Band Digital- $9.00/month

🔲Bodhi Band Yearly Subscription- $180.00 one-time

Bodhi Band and digital format

There are no subscriptions, or recurrent payments involved with Bodhi Band, except for the regular monthly fee. This is also wavered and discounted greatly when you choose the yearly options.

Further, the creators offer to pay you back your subscription fees for up to 30 days from that date of purchase, in case you find it ineffective. This essentially gives you the freedom to try it for a whole month without losing a cent. 

Final Verdict on Bodhi Band Reviews

True to the hype surrounding Bodhi Band online, it is evident how this guide, program, and wristband assist in your growth. These allow for a broader vision for your life.

They usher in a transformation towards goodness, health, and much more for you. You will flourish both mentally as well as spiritually, rooted in scientifically tested practices that are proven over time. The influence of Bodhi Band is so much, such that both you, your immediate family, as well as the larger society, etc, stand to gain with just your practice. 

As mentioned in Bodhi Band review, the creators of Bodhi Band are offering great discounts and customized packages to suit all people. It even comes with an incredible money-back guarantee that lets you enjoy it for a whole month, worry-free. There has been no better time to give Bodhi Band a try than right now. 

Frequently asked questions

Is it a monthly subscription?

Yes, and No. A regular monthly subscription to the program is available, but, you may sidestep this with a yearly, one-time payment. This gets rid of the hassles of a subscription, assuring your practice for at least 12 months.  

How long does it take for shipping?

On average, the monthly packages are prepared and despatched on or after the 20th of each month. Further, it takes 7 and 15 respectively for domestic or international shipments. 

How about the Digital Only version? 

The digital-only version comes without the band, and at a lower cost for those who cannot afford the full package. You will receive all your monthly instructions, practices, and challenges, etc, in a pdf, similar to the paper version. Alas, the trendy and eye-catching band will be missing though. 

What is the best way to practice it?

Bodhi Band is an ongoing journey that becomes a part of your life. And there is no specific time or setting you should practice it. So long as you do not disturb someone else, you can practice it anywhere. 

How long does it take for results?

Well, to be true to the transformative nature of Bodhi Band, it takes varied times for different people to see results. Mostly, this is dependent upon your dedication, consistency, and drive, which works unlike anything else in fetching you good results. 

What if it does not work? 

Bodhi Band has worked for all users so far, or a majority of the, from the customer, reviews online. Similarly, you too should expect results, and stick to the instructions as closely as you can. However, if you are certain that it’s ineffective, you can claim a refund as per the 30-days money-back guarantee. 


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Josiah finn

Josiah finn is a professional life coach who helps people to make progress in their lives in order to attain greater fulfillment. He helps his clients in improving their relationships, careers, and day-to-day lives. Josiah finn Has equipped with Life Coach certification that is ICF accredited and is an active listener.

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