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The Flu Season Is Anticipate To Back With A Vengeance - Kids Are Affected more!

The Flu Season Is Anticipate To Back With A Vengeance – Kids Are Affected More!

ByNikki AttkissonAug 11, 2022

Last year, there were shocking few flu cases, this was true nationwide. People stayed at home and used masks when…

China Has Constructed A Quarantine Facility For Foreign Visitors.

China Has Constructed A Quarantine Facility For Foreign Visitors.

ByNikki AttkissonOct 1, 2021

Few nations are prepared to go to the lengths that China is willing to go in order to keep Covid-19…

A Brazilian Hospital Chain Surreptitiously Administered Untested Medicines To Covid

A Brazilian Hospital Chain Surreptitiously Administered Untested Medicines To Covid

ByNikki AttkissonOct 1, 2021

On Tuesday, an attorney for a group of whistleblower physicians said that a Brazilian hospital chain administered untested Covid-19 therapies…

Is It Necessary For You To Buy A Covid-19 Boost At This Time

Is It Necessary For You To Buy A Covid-19 Boost At This Time?

ByNikki AttkissonOct 1, 2021

To have a booster or not to have a booster is the question. Because the US Food & Drug Administration…

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