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Research Says Intestinal Bacteria May Affect Severity Of Covid 19

ByNikki AttkissonJan 14, 2021

According to the latest research, intestinal Bacteria is said to play a major role in determining how sick patients get…


How Likely Is It To Test Positive For Coronavirus After Vaccination?

ByNikki AttkissonJan 7, 2021

According to health experts, it is still possible to test positive for coronavirus after receiving the covid-19 vaccine. The CDC…

US And China Hold 'Constructive' Trade Talks After The Delay

US And China Hold ‘Constructive’ Trade Talks After The Delay

ByNikki AttkissonAug 25, 2020

After the discussion was delayed, the US and China have held talks over their so-called “phase-one” trade deal earlier this…

Coronavirus Smell Loss 'Different From Cold And Flu'

Coronavirus Smell Loss ‘Different From Cold And Flu’

ByNikki AttkissonAug 25, 2020

European researchers who have studied the experiences of patients say that the loss of smell that can accompany coronavirus is…

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