Dark Age Defense Reviews – Is It Helpful For Power Outrage Scenarios?

Dr. Ricardo Alvarez | Last Updated : August 1, 2022

If you are seriously concerned about the looming threats of an emergency power failure, then it’s high time to check out the Dark Age Defense reviews. Your worries are not unfounded. A power outage can definitely leave your loved ones in the dark.

Dark Age Defense ReviewsA Trusted Survival Book For Infinity Coil!

At present, you may be dependent on a backup generator or a solar panel in case of a power failure. However, both these options come with many drawbacks. Backup generators produce a loud noise and burn large amounts of fuel.

A solar panel has a high failure rate and gets easily damaged in the event of a natural catastrophe. That’s where Dark Age Defense comes into the picture.

Have you ever imagined that in case of power failures, an infinity coil could bring back power and light up your entire home? Yes, with the Dark Age Defense infinity coil, it has become a reality. Before getting into the Dark Age Defense reviews, first, let’s try to understand what it is all about.

Dark Age Defense Reviews
Product NameDark Age Defense
CategoryDigital e-book
Benefits◾ Creates a force field around the house
◾ Ensures knowledge about infinity coil generator
Builds 7 endless coils
Pros◾ Affordable
◾ Efficient
◾ Helps to deal with power outage scenario
Cons Available only online
CreatorPaul Grabowski
Bonuses Bulletproof Bugout
Water On Demand
Produce Oasis
Off-Grid Independence
Money-back Guarantee60 days
AvailabilityOnly Through Official Website
Official WebsiteClick Here

What Is Dark Age Defense?

Dark Age Defense is a comprehensive book that provides you with all the necessary information to restore power at your home in case of an extended power failure.

All you have to do is just follow the step-by-step instructions in this book. In the future, you and your family can confidently handle any kind of power outage.

According to the official website, generators designed for backup power will not survive long because they demand enormous amounts of fuel and will only operate for a short time. In contrast, solar panels tend to fail during natural disasters.

Creator Of Dark Age Defense

Mr. Paul Grabowski is the author of the book Dark Age Defense. Through this book, he offers his readers an easy way to light up their homes, that too without spending much time. The best part is that even a person with no electrical experience can bring back power.

How Does Dark Age Defense Work?

The Dark Age Defense program works on the premise of constructing an infinity coil to produce power for your entire house.

However, this book is much more than just generating power. It also educates its readers about the immediate steps to be adopted in the event of a power outage. The other areas covered include the responsibilities to be completed when a blackout day happens.

To explain, by going through this guide, you will learn how to build an invisible force field around your house.

A major attraction is that by using this simple technology, you can ensure the safety of your whole family. With the Dark Age Defense survival book, you will also learn how to power a vehicle that is written off as dead.    

What Will You Discover Inside Dark Age Defense?

Curious to know more about what is inside Dark Age Defense? Here you go.

  • In the case of an unexpected power failure, the steps mentioned in the guide can help bring down the disruption caused to your family. With the help of technology, an invisible force field can be created around your house. It makes you well prepared to confidently face even the least expected power outage situations.
  • In comparison to the performance of any other power source currently available, the efficiency of the infinity coil will surge up to a whopping 261%. 
  • The approach also provides solutions to animate a vehicle that would remain inoperable otherwise.
  • The most integral factor to consider when it comes to generating power at your home is to ensure that you no longer have to be concerned about going through the horrible experience of a power outage.
  • Dark Age Defense infinity coil makes use of technology that is legal and at the same time will remain effective for a long period. Thus it ensures and provides the best possible outcome for you.
  • Solar power is not only the most efficient way to light up your home and household appliances, but it also uses sophisticated technology that acts as a facilitator to get power back up. Thus it proves to be the most cost-effective option to power your home.    

Click Here To Download The Dark Age Defense From The Official Website (60 Days Money Back Guarantee)

Dark Age Defense Benefits

Following are some of the Dark Age Defense benefits:

☑️ Create A Force Field Around Your House – With the step-by-step instructions, an amazing force field can be constructed in the most appropriate size around your house. In addition to that, it offers better protection for your property.

☑️ Tips To Take During A Power Outage –  During times of a power outage, you can follow the below points to ensure that you will stay safe and comfortable.

First and foremost, remain calm and never panic.  When it is dark, light a candle or switch on a flashlight. If there is a generator at your home, ensure that you follow the instructions for usage properly. For foods that need to be refrigerated, either eat them right away or keep them in a cooler with ice. In case of any medical emergencies, always have an alternative plan in place to stay safe and comfortable.

☑️ Build 7 Endless Coils On Your Own – After going through the guide, you will also be in a position to construct 7 endless coils within a short time. This is made possible by applying the Pencil Squared Method.

☑️Knowledge About The Infinity Coil Generator – To ensure continuous power supply at your home, you need to have awareness about the infinity coil generator. This device is critical to distributing power at your home.

Dark Age Defense Infinity Coil: Pros & Cons


  • Step-by-step instructions on how to deal with power outage scenarios.
  • Affordable and efficient
  • Guides on how to use infinity coils and building the apt-sized cosmo generator
  • Money back guarantee
  • No risks involved in buying 


  • It is available only online

Dark Age Defense Pricing & Availability

For buying the Dark Age Defense e-book and bonuses you have to pay $67. Dark Age Defense pricing comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee. In case you are not satisfied, you will get your full money refunded.

Dark Age Defense Pricing

However, please note that the authentic copy of the guide is available only on the official website.  It is not kept for sale on retail stores or E-commerce portals. Please stay away from fraudulent sellers and fake websites. 

Buy your copy from the official website.

Dark Age Defense Bonuses

Now let’s check the additional Dark Age Defense bonuses that you get while purchasing the product. It provides guidance on how to survive a natural disaster, critical situation, or emergency. Let’s go through the content covered in each of the bonuses one by one.

1. Bulletproof Bugout

There are certain situations where you need to stay away from your home. With Dark Age Defense – Bullet-proof Bugout, you will learn how to assemble a survival kit that lasts for 3 days. This kit is developed based on the belongings carried by special forces personnel. Hence be assured that you will possess all that is required to stay safe and comfortable.

2. Water On Demand

The e-book, Water on Demand guides you through how to produce, purify and store portable water. After reading it, you will be in a position to test whether the water is safe to drink and to remove impurities from water.

The 16-second submarine test will help you gauge the water quality in your system when it is closed. Water with higher mineral content will be tastier and offers greater nutritional value than the one with lower mineral content.

So, if you want to enhance the flavor and healthfulness of water, the best way is to increase the proportion of minerals.  By following the instructions, you can easily make a Do-It-Yourself Water Filter using a toilet paper roll.

3. Produce Oasis

With Produce Oasis, you will learn how to grow your own food. It is a totally wrong notion that you need to have acres of farmland to cultivate nutrient-dense vegetables.

Using the Stock Fertilizer approach, all you need is a sock, oil, and ice to produce food. The pace of food production can be accelerated significantly in a short period of time. Also learn the “3 Vampire Super Nutrients” which are proven to be 7 times more effective than the normal vitamins.

4. Off-Grid Independence

This section introduces you to 7 safe havens that remain unaffected by the world’s blackout. They have cutting-edge grids, express sympathy for individual freedom, and offer your family an opportunity to flourish rather than just survive.

Dark Age Defense Bonuses

Final Verdict: Dark Age Defense Reviews

After going through the Dark Age Defense reviews, now you will be having a fair idea about how the whole concept works. If you are desperately looking for an alternative during those nasty power outages, then you can think of purchasing Darke Age Defense System.

The product is genuine and the fact that it comes with 4 add-on Dark Age Defense bonuses and a 60-day full money-back guarantee makes it worth an investment. However, check out the Darke Age Defense reviews by existing customers before making that final decision.

Click Here To Get The Dark Age Defense From The Official Website (60 Days Money Back Guarantee)


1. From where can I buy Dark Age Defense?

Dark Age Defense is available for purchase only on the official website. Check the official website to buy the product.

2. What is the price of Dark Age Defense?

The product costs $67 including add-on bonuses.

3. Does it come with a refund policy?

Yes. A 60-day money-back guarantee is included. If you are not happy after using the product, you will get a full refund of your money.

4. Do I get any bonuses while buying Dark Age Defense?

Yes. You get 4 additional bonuses ie. Bulletproof Bugout, Water on Demand, Produce Oasis, and Off-Grid Independence where you get to learn how to survive during times of a natural disaster or emergency.

5. How to reach out to the customer support agents of Dark Age Defense?

Please call on the toll-free number 1-844-610-8037. The support lines are open all 7 days of the week from 8 AM to 8 PM EST. You can also email at [email protected].


Dr. Ricardo Alvarez

Dr. Ricardo Alvarez was a former Medical professor and faculty at Harvard Medical school. After resigning, now he is practicing as a general physician who deals with the diagnosis and treatment of general health problems and disorders. He earned his MS and PhD from Columbia University. Ricardo Alvarez completed his undergraduate education from an accredited medical college under the University of London and completed his training from AMCAS and is a doctor with earned board certification.

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