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Some Hospitals Run Out Of Beds Due To Another Respiratory Infection Aside From Covid

Some Hospitals Run Out Of Beds Due To Another Respiratory Infection Aside From Covid

ByNikki AttkissonNov 1, 2022

After the COVID-19 virus, another virus is causing hospital beds in Florida to fill up. The virus known as Respiratory …

A Man From Oklahoma City Was Accused Of Deliberately Spreading HIV

A Man From Oklahoma City Was Accused Of Deliberately Spreading HIV

ByNikki AttkissonOct 31, 2022

HIV is a dangerous virus that is transmitted through contact. Whether you share used needles, end up with illicit drug…

California Early Onset Of Flu Season Results In Record-High Hospital Admissions

California: Early Onset Of Flu Season Results In Record-High Hospital Admissions

ByNikki AttkissonOct 31, 2022

As we know the world struggled immensely with Covid19 (and still is), and many people compromised their immunity to only…

Covid-19 Update Italy To Revoke Ban Against Unvaccinated Health Workers

Covid-19 Update: Italy To Revoke Ban Against Unvaccinated Health Workers

ByNikki AttkissonOct 31, 2022

The world struggled with the most dreadful virus since 2020- the Covid 19! With so many struggles, health losses, and…

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