Herpesyl Reviews- Is It A Better Solution For Herpes Cure?

Dr. Ricardo Alvarez | Last Updated : June 16, 2021

Herpesyl is a dietary supplement that aids to remove the herpes virus from your system for one and forever. It was produced by a team effort of Dr. Andrian Kavanaugh, Dr. Peterson and health experts and took decades to formulate the exact supplement that would attack the root cause. The supplement helps to remove the virus from the brain cells and they have helped thousands of people live a herpes free life. As you read this article, you will have insights on what it was you have been doing wrong all this year while treating your herpes condition.

In this Herpesyl review, you will read about the product, what its benefits are, how long it takes to see results and other features of the supplement. I will also brief you about the pricing in case you look forward to buying it. 

Herpesyl review, as the name indicates, is about a breakthrough solution to kill the herpes virus. Herpes is a highly contagious viral infection that is mostly asymptomatic.

It is known to be a life-long infection. Though there are many medications to control the infection and its rare symptoms, modern medicine couldn’t come up with a permanent and effective solution. 

Herpesyl Reviews- Is It A Breakthrough Solution To Kill The Herpes Virus?

Getting herpes is like life-long sentencing of treatments and medications. You will have to get treatments to alleviate the symptoms and repeat the process all the time when the virus starts to cause another infection.

So what is Herpesyl that modern medicine hasn’t started talking about? Why is it called a breakthrough solution? 

I ran down through various Herpesyl reviews and customer testimonials to find out the facts behind Herpesyl supplement. Can it treat both oral and genital herpes?

If so, how does it work? I was curious to find more about this supplement, as you were, which took you to this page. 

Herpes is a dietary supplement made after years of research and studies by Dr. Adrian Kavanagh and Dr. Peterson.

First of all, it is called a breakthrough solution as Herpesyl is proved to treat the root cause of herpes, which was impossible with modern medications. 

Isn’t it quite interesting? So, read this Herpesyl review to know everything about the breakthrough herpes supplement- Herpesyl.                 

Herpesyl reviews
Product NameHerpesyl
Main benefitsHelps to treat the root cause of the herpes virus.
IngredientsGraviola leaf, Shiitake mushroom, Grapeseed, Burdock root, Selenium, Turmeric, Red raspberries
Administration RouteOral
DosageTake one capsule per day
ResultTake at least 180 days
Alcohol WarningNo Restriction
Side EffectsNo Major Side Effects
Quantity60 Capsules per bottle
Price $69.00 For one bottle
AvailabilityOnly through the official website
Official WebsiteClick Here

What is Herpesyl?

It is hard to believe that a dietary supplement could address a problem where modern medicine failed for years!

The collaborative efforts and knowledge of Dr. Adrian Kavanagh and Dr. Peterson are the pillars of Herpesyl success. 

It was their desire to find a permanent solution for herpes that made them create the supplement. Dr. Adrian’s journey towards Herpesyl was said to be started from researching to find the scientific materials on the root cause of the viral infection. 

Statistical data points out that millions of Americans suffer from herpes infection every year and spend quite a huge amount on lifetime treatment. Dr. Adrian’s goal was to find a lasting solution that can put an end to this harmful virus spread. 

As per the manufacturers of the Herpesyl supplement, the root cause of herpes infection lies in the brain. The very cause was been overlooked by modern medical experts.

According to the creators of Herpesyl capsules, the herpes virus remains in the body even after getting anti-virus treatments. These viruses are found to be hiding in the brain cells. 

As per Herpesyl reviews, the Herpes virus that hides inside the brain cells destroys the immune system by masking itself with the ICP47 protein.

When the virus is threatened by drugs or a strong immune system, it is able to signal the brain and prompt the virus to hide inside the brain cells. 

The manufacturers claim that Herpesyl capsules are made of 26 plant extracts and vitamins that are strong enough to flush out the herpes virus from the brain cells.

Let’s look into the Herpesyl ingredients to know more.        

Ingredients of Herpesyl

Herpesyl supplement ingredients are claimed to be curated after thorough research and tests run of 50 participants.

Some of the main ingredients used in this Herpesyl supplement formula are:

🍀 Graviola leaf

🍀 Shiitake mushroom

🍀 Grapeseed

🍀 Burdock root

🍀 Selenium

🍀 Turmeric

🍀 Red raspberries

Herpesyl ingredients

Graviola leaf

One of the commonly heard names in many dietary supplements, it comes with multiple health benefits. Graviola leaves are known for their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Apart from helping in killing the herpes virus, it also helps in rejuvenating the brain cells damaged by the virus attack. 

Shiitake mushroom

It is widely used in many dietary mushrooms. Herpesyl supplement uses it to prevent the virus from attacking more brain cells and the body.

It also helps in reversing the damages from virus attacks. Studies have also found that supplements containing Shiitake help in improving cognitive function. 


It helps enhance the blood circulation in the body and brain, helping the nourishment of immune and nerve cells.

By enhancing the never cells and immune system, grapeseed properties help flush out the virus from the brain.

Burdock root

The anti-inflammatory properties of burdock root purifies the blood once the herpes virus has been flushed out of the brain. 


It works by supporting glutathione synthesis. Glutathione is an antioxidant that aids in strengthening the immune system, supporting the making of DNA, and reducing oxidative stress in the body.

Herpesyl supplement with selenium content helps in increasing the glutathione levels in order to fight the virus and prevent its symptoms. 


The Curcumin compound of turmeric contains powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. These properties help in supporting the immune system to fight against the herpes virus.

Curcumin is also found to support a vital growth hormone in the brain. This neutropenic factor also supports the brain functions and prevents illnesses of the brain.

Red raspberries

Rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, raspberries are well-known for their ability to prevent many diseases.

The high vitamin c content in the fruit helps to boost the immune system as well. Sores caused by herpes are reversed with the support of collagen produced by red raspberries.      

Click here To Order Herpesyl From the official Website

What benefits can you expect from Herpesyl?

The manufacturers claim that the Herpesyl supplement has already been tested with over 3,200 people from various countries across the globe.

By reading Herpesyl reviews, All the tests have marked Herpesyl to be effective and highly efficient in treating herpes virus infection.

Some of the customer reviews suggest the Herpesyl supplement be a magical breakthrough which was even impossible for modern medical experts.

Some of the reported benefits of Herpesyl supplement include:

✅ As it removes the virus from your brain cells, the ingredients also function to enhances and nourish your brain cells.

✅  The ingredients have antioxidants properties that flush out toxins. This improves and provides a stronger immune system that fights back the virus.

✅ Heals the damages on the skin caused by the herpes virus attack and it also detoxifies your entire body which improves your skin. You need not worry about any spots or blemishes from the rashes as it helps to clear them out.

✅ Your metabolism rates are increased and this amplifies your energy levels keeping you strong and fit always.

✅ Relieve the pain and troubles caused by herpes during the virus outbreak.

✅ The supplement does not let the virus recur again. It fights the root cause and bars it from entering your body again.

✅ You also get to enjoy 100% money-back guarantee which ensures that if you are  unhappy with the supplement you can return it.

✅ There are no chemicals, preservatives, artificial colors, or flavors used in making the supplements.

✅ It improves your sexual health and provides a better romantic and intimate life with your partner. You are more relaxed and confident and the supplements uplift your mood.

The manufacturers also ensure that you will be able to free of herpes attack within 90 days and enjoy a normal life.

As mentioned in Herpesyl reviews, Herpesyl supplement helps your health from within rather than just getting freed from the virus attack.           

Herpesyl supplement

How does Herpesyl supplement work and how to use it?

Herpesyl supplement focuses on curbing the herpes virus attack systematically. As a first step when you take a Herpesyl supplement, induces nutrient absorption.

Not just one ingredient, all of them in Herpesyl supplement play a vital role in destructing the virus spread. 

Nutrients absorbed into the body help the brain and immune system to nourish. It then helps the virus to get exposed, and the body fights against it.

The absorption of nutrients also helps in strengthening the neuronal pathways in the brain. It enhances the brain cells, which paves way for the transmission of signals to fight the virus. 

Ingredients such as Selenium, Vitamin C, and Vitamin E help the body have a stronger immune system and brain. Both help in detecting the hidden virus in the brain cells and fight them back. 

Ingredients with antioxidant properties also play a vital role in curbing the virus and getting them out of the body.

One of the important ingredients, the Graviola leaf has an antiviral effect that is known to be effective in fighting against HSV. 

Herpes also works by cleansing the brain, body, and improving the overall cognitive function. Some of the customer reviews on Herpesyl supplement stated that it has also helped them have improved memory and focus.   

Herpesyl Side effects, Dosage & How to use it?

The dietary supplement is claimed to be free of any side effects as it is formulated using only all-natural ingredients. There are no mentions of using artificial additives or even pharmaceutical drugs in the formula.

The manufacturers have tested the formula in humans before making the Herpesyl supplement public. There were no side effects or negative impacts reported so far.

However, Herpesyl supplement is only designed to be used by adults. Individuals under the age of 18, pregnant, and breastfeeding women are recommended to refrain from taking this Herpesyl supplement without a doctor’s consultation. The supplement is strictly formulated for adults and it could have a harmful effect on children and babies.

Those who have any medical condition are also not recommended to use the Herpesyl supplement. If necessary they should have a prior consultation with their doctor before starting a course. This is so as to be clear of it the supplement and prescribed drugs would have a counter-reaction or any side effects.

Herpesyl dosage

The manufacturers recommend using one capsule per day. It will be enough to absorb the necessary nutrients into the bloodstream. You can take the Herpesyl capsule with a glass of water after food.  It is best to consume it in the morning before your breakfast. Do not overdose on the supplement as it can have negative consequences.          

herpesyl dosage

How long will it take to see the result?

As per the reports, Herpesyl supplement induced tremendous improvement in a matter of weeks.

However, the manufacturers advise taking it for at least 180 days for the best results. Following a healthy diet can also aid in better results. There are factors like hygiene, food habits, lifestyle, that indirectly do affect how long it will take to see the result.

How Long Does The Results Last?

The results are shown to last for a longer period if you consume it for a longer time. According to scientific data and research, it is said that if you consume it for a period of three months, you can enjoy the effects of the supplement for more than a year. 

It is necessary you maintain a healthy lifestyle and is highly advised to keep away from alcohol and drugs as they may tarnish the effect of the supplement.

Herpesyl results

Price & Where to get Herpesyl?

Herpesyl supplement is available only on their official website. You may even find third-party websites offering Herpesyl supplement for a lower price.

However, there is no guarantee that you get the right product. You can also find amazing discounts and offers on Herpesyl supplement price when purchasing through the official website. 

The regular retail price of Herpesyl supplement is $99. However, you can get a single bottle of a 30-day supply for just $69. When purchasing a bundle of 3 bottles, the price will again be discounted for each bottle to $59. 

The best value package is of the 180 day supply, which is available for $49 per bottle. These are the offers on pricing available on the official website as of now. There can be changes based on various external factors that affect the availability of Herpesyl supplements. If you are looking for a long-term effect and result it is best to purchase the supplements in bulk that can assure you will not go out of stock and it is cheaper.

One of the best parts of buying the Herpesyl supplement is that there is a money-back guarantee of 60 days. With that, the manufacturers promise that they will refund 100% of the money you spend on buying a Herpesyl supplement if you are not satisfied with the results within 60 days of purchase.

The money-back guarantee is a no-questions-asked offer, where you can just send an email to them and get the money back without being asked anything. It is risk-free to buy and try the 3-bottle bundle as you can get all your money back within 60 days. The only condition being this refund policy is exclusive to the website and only if you make the purchase through their official website can you request a refund when needed.          

Herpesyl official Website – https://herpesyl.com

Herpesyl Customer Reviews & Complaints

As per Herpesyl reviews and feedback, the customers have given Herpesyl supplement a green signal. There are no reports of side effects or any ill effects caused by the intake of Herpesyl supplement.

Rather, many customers have noted that the supplement has also helped them in improving their cognitive function, memory, and focus apart from treating the herpes virus. 

Is Herpesyl legit?

Herpesyl seems to be legit as per the reviews and reports. There are no scam reports made by genuine customers.

All the Herpesyl reviews and testimonials suggest it to be a trustworthy, and breakthrough supplement with many benefits. 

Final Verdict on Herpesyl Reviews

If you compare Herpesyl supplement with other herpes medications available in the market for years, Herpesyl finds to be a better solution for permanent herpes healing.

Most of the medications and supplements fail to find the root cause of the condition, rather than just making the symptoms. 

According to Herpesyl reviews, Herpesyl addresses the root cause of the herpes virus, which most of the medications and treatments fail to do.

Over and above, Herpesyl is also proven to be effective to nourish the brain, enhance cognitive function, improve focus and memory, and beneficial to overall health.

They are safe to use, formulated with all-natural ingredients in a scientific way. 

The money you have to invest to buy Herpesyl is completely risk-free as there is a money-back-guarantee for a longer period of 60 days. It cushions you from any anticipatory loss. Herpesyl price is also affordable to all.

For those who are looking for a permanent and healthy solution for the herpes virus, the Herpesyl supplement could be a reasonable choice to consider.       

Click here To Order Herpesyl From the official Website (60 Days Money-Back Guarantee)

Dr. Ricardo Alvarez

Dr. Ricardo Alvarez was a former Medical professor and faculty at Harvard Medical school. After resigning, now he is practicing as a general physician who deals with the diagnosis and treatment of general health problems and disorders. He earned his MS and PhD from Columbia University. Ricardo Alvarez completed his undergraduate education from an accredited medical college under the University of London and completed his training from AMCAS and is a doctor with earned board certification.

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