High Carb Fat Loss Review: Mark Kislich’s High Carb Diet Any Good?

Special Correspondent | Last Updated : September 22, 2020

Welcome to my High Carb Fat Loss review. As clichéd as it sounds, you have probably heard it over and over again that to lose fat and tone up your body, you have to follow a diet routine with low carbs, low fat, and high protein, coupled with exercise.

High Carb Fat Loss Review- An Easy To Follow Program For Healthy Lifestyle!

What if I tell you it is all folks? Yes, you heard it right. Carbs directly have nothing to do with fat accumulation in your body. One such program, which you can blindly follow, is High Carb Fat Loss. And today I will be writing about the High Carb Fat Loss review.

High Carb Fat Loss Review

In fact, a diet that includes a high portion of healthy carbs and fibers will help you lose fat effectively while maintaining strength and overall health. You have been hearing that to lose body fat, you need to reduce the intake of carbohydrates; however, the truth is quite opposite to what you have been told. Read High Carb Fat Loss review to know more.

Product Name High Carb Fat Loss
Language English
Category Weight Loss
Creator Mark Kislich and Rusty Moore
Main benefits Promotes a healthy lifestyle and eating habits.
Price  $37.00
Specification  PDF includes 5 modules.
Money-Back Guarantee 60 days
Availability Only through the official website
Official Website Click Here 

About High Carb Fat Loss Program

I will start my High Carb Fat Loss review by briefly explaining the program. This program essentially works in the opposite way, which most of your fitness trainers and dieticians tell you when it comes to fat loss.

High Carb Fat Loss program, created by Rusty Moore and Mark Kislich, guides you through a fat loss journey by increasing the intake of carbs, fibers, and starch while cutting the intake of fat-based food sources.

High Carb Fat Loss review program includes 5 modules, your step-wise guide to losing fat, in visual impact high carb fat loss Pdf format. I will be explaining these modules later on in this review.

Benefits of High Carb Fat Loss Diet 2020

A high carb fat loss diet has a number of benefits. In this portion of the High Carb Fat Loss review, I will highlight some of the major benefits that you can achieve by following High Carb Fat Loss program.

  • Balanced Diet Plan: High Carb Fat Loss program is more about consuming healthy carbs, protein, and fibers in moderation while limiting the fat intake. This balanced approach is what makes it beneficial and easy to follow.
  • Long Term Sustainable Results: The format of High Carb Fat Loss program ensures that you can achieve results, which you can maintain in the long run. The results might not be as immediate but slow and steady wins the race, right?
  • Overall Body Health: This diet routine makes sure to include all sorts of nutritional sources in moderation, therefore, making sure that you are not just strengthening your muscles but also ensuring that the internal body health is improved.
  • 60 Days Money Back Guarantee: The creators of High Carb Fat Loss program have a 60-day money-back guarantee. If you are not satisfied with the results, you can opt for a refund.

High Carb Fat Loss diet plan

How Does High Carb Fat Loss Work?

Going forward with High Carb Fat Loss review, I will explain how does Mark Kislich’s high carb diet program work. It has 5 modules and you are explained everything steps by step, to ensure that you are on the right track and can achieve the set targets more effectively.

  • Module 1: This module is about an introduction about High Carb Fat Loss program and authors so you have the basic idea.
  • Module 2: You will have to invest some time and effort during this phase because this pretty much explains how the high carb fat loss diet works. It entails all the biology involved when it comes to consuming and digesting carbohydrates by a human body, the psychology involved in fat loss, carbs and metabolism, how much protein is required to maintain a healthy body mass ratio, and why this high carb fat loss diet plan is effective.
  • Module 3: After you have understood the science behind this, Mark and Rusty will introduce you to the actual diet plan in the third module on High Carb Fat Loss program.
  • Module 4: This includes the sample meals, from lunch, dinner, and large meals to the snacks and small meals and the supplements you need to take.
  • Module 5: The final phase includes the author’s final thoughts, FAQs, and community group that you can join on Facebook.

Who Are The Creators of Visual Impact High Carb Fat Loss?

High Carb Fat Loss program was developed by Mark Kislich and Rusty Moore. Mark Kislich is based in Iceland and has been training athletes and Olympians for many years as a professional fitness coach. As a matter of fact, he transformed his own body by following High Carb Fat Loss plan.

Rusty Moore, on the other hand, has been in the fitness industry for over a decade now. He maintains a health and fitness blog to guide people through writing. And he also works as a fitness coach for runway models.

Creators of High Carb Fat Loss

Pros and Cons of High Carb Fat Loss PDF

My High Carb Fat Loss review won’t be complete if I do not talk about its pros and cons. Please note that I am writing these pros and cons based upon how my experience with the program has been. Let us briefly have a look at them.


  • High Carb Fat Loss program is easy to follow and explains everything in detail.
  • A high carb low fat diet program promotes a healthy lifestyle and eating habits. A balanced diet will ensure that you are healthy, fresh, and energetic.
  • A healthy diet with low fat will ensure that you lose body fat and easily maintain your body weight, without going through an intensive workout routine.
  • You know that you are in the safe hands of industry experts. So the chances of not achieving what you are aiming for are low unless you do not follow the instructions at all.
  • The creators are offering a 60-day money-back guarantee.


  • It is available in Pdf format.
  • Some of you might find it a little pricey. The diet plan is worth the money you are paying.

High Carb Fat Loss customer review

What Will You Learn from High Carb Fat Loss?

As I have explained in the earlier portion of High Carb Fat Loss review, High Carb Fat Loss program will give you all the necessary information about a high carb low-fat diet.

From understanding the body mechanism behind digesting certain food sources to understanding the psychology behind losing fat, from cooking your meals to finding the right supplements, High Carb Fat Loss program has it all. It is more about transforming your lifestyle while achieving a healthier and more energetic body.

You will happily enjoy your favorite meals and do not have to cut the food sources you like, except the fatty food.

Does High Carb Fat Loss Work?

As someone who has followed the diet plan by heart and achieve results, seen and felt them not just externally but internally as well, I can say it with surety that yes, High Carb Fat Loss diet plan by Mark and Rusty works. And not only me, but you can also find several others around the world who have benefited from High Carb Fat Loss diet program.

Also read, LeptoConnect Review 2020 

Where to Buy High Carb Fat Loss?

Since High Carb Fat Loss program is only available online, you can purchase it from the official website. The creators are currently offering a sale price if you purchase it now. The regular price is $67 but you can purchase it on a sale price of $37. Soon as your purchase it, you will receive a visual impact high carb fat loss free Pdf.

Given the experience and expertise of both the authors, High Carb Fat Loss price is undeniably low than the fee that these coaches charge their regular clients. Try it for 60 days and if you are not satisfied, you can claim and get a refund.

High Carb fat Loss Review Conclusion

I will wrap up High Carb Fat Loss Review by giving you my final words. I have found High Carb Fat Loss program extremely beneficial and easy to follow. I have reduced my body fat significantly, making me more confident and I have been flaunting my toned legs and body at the beach all summer.

I highly recommend it to all of my readers. There’s no risk involved anyway. If you do not achieve what you aimed for, you can always refund. So purchase it today and transform yourself into a healthier, fitter, and more confident you.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h3″ question-0=”How much does High Carb Fat Loss program cost?” answer-0=”High Carb Fat Loss program is available on a sale price of $37 now. The regular price is $67. ” image-0=”” headline-1=”h3″ question-1=”Is High Carb Fat Loss diet plan available anywhere in stores?” answer-1=”No, it is not. You can purchase High Carb Fat Loss online through the official website. ” image-1=”” headline-2=”h3″ question-2=”Can someone with a medical condition follow High Carb Fat Loss plan?” answer-2=”If the condition isn’t chronic, then you can. However, if there is something serious, please consult your doctor before starting High Carb Fat Loss plan. ” image-2=”” headline-3=”h3″ question-3=”Can I refund if I am not satisfied with High Carb Fat Loss diet plan?” answer-3=”Yes, high carb fat loss offers you a 60-day money-back guarantee. ” image-3=”” headline-4=”h3″ question-4=”Can I lose fat and gain muscle with High Carb Fat Loss plan?” answer-4=”Absolutely! High Carb Fat Loss diet plan targets to cut down body fat and transform your body. You can gain muscle through the meal and supplement options given inside High Carb Fat Loss program. ” image-4=”” count=”5″ html=”true” css_class=””]

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