nuGlow RGB Light Therapy Review- Get Rid Of Almost All Of Your Skin Problems!!

Nikki Attkisson | Last Updated : October 19, 2020

Welcome to my nuGlow RGB Light Therapy review. Aging does make you wiser, increasing your experience in life and enabling you to bag tons and tons of memories. However, it has a dull impact on your physical appearance, especially your skin. Aging is the prime cause of the slackening of one’s skin. While fine lines and wrinkles take over the natural plump and glow of your skin, you not only start to look old but also feel the same way.

nuGlow RGB Light Therapy Review- Regain The Radiance Of Your Younger-Looking Skin.

Dull skin covered with spots and lines may have a negative impact on your self-confidence. It may steal away your zeal of life, making you believe that your young and fun days are gone. Put forward a firm argument with your inner self that is running low on self-esteem with the help of nuGlow RGB Light Therapy. Regain the radiance of your younger-looking skin.


nuGlow RGB Light Therapy is a unique machine that has the power to treat skin problems, mainly caused due to aging. It consists of a portable rectangular LED light, with a circular base and a thin lightning cable. There are 32 spotlights in the rectangular frame, with a control panel underneath.

Product Name nuGlow RGB Light Therapy
Category Skin Care
Main Benefits Cure most of the problems related to the skin
Creator Matthew Caldera
Specification  Includes LED skin color
Duration  10 minutes in a week
Price $399.00
Availability Only through the official website
Official Website Click Here

About nuGlow RGB Light Therapy Skincare

According to nuGlow RGB Light Therapy review, it is a unique machine that has the power to treat skin problems, mainly caused due to aging. This therapy has been designed by Matthew Caldera whose aim is to make skin therapy sessions as easy and convenient as it can get. The NuGlow RGB Light Therapy consists of a portable rectangular LED light, with a circular base and a thin lightning cable. There are 32 spotlights in the rectangular frame, with a control panel underneath.

This full-fledged therapy helps to overcome a number of skin problems. It evens out your skin, giving it a smooth texture, and helps to reduce aging. The nuGlow RGB Light Therapy also tightens your skin, making you look a lot younger than your age. Besides reducing the appearance of lines and wrinkles, it fades the appearance of dark spots, shrinks pores, and helps you to get rid of excess oil trapped in your skin.

This at-home skin therapy is to be used thrice a week. See the natural glow return to your skin by the end of the first month of its use.

Benefits of nuGlow RGB Light Therapy

The nuGlow RGB Light Therapy is a lightweight, portable device that can be carried with you wherever you plan to go. It is highly travel-friendly and will barely take up any space in your suitcase. Take full care of your aging skin, even if you are far away from home. With the purchase of this one of a kind therapeutic light, you may never have to book your appointments with skin experts. You also get to save a lot of money by not going to skincare centers, which empty your pockets, after a few initial visits.

With a one-time payment of $399, you get the wonderful opportunity to take complete care of your skin for a lifetime. As per nuGlow RGB Light Therapy review, it is backed up with a 3-year guarantee, which proves the longevity of the machine. It also comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee, where you get to change your mind within the first 30 days of your purchase.

The nuGlow RGB Light Therapy is 100% UV free, which entirely protects your skin. It does not shed any harmful light rays on your skin, which could later lead to prolonged side effects like skin rashes and skin breakage, and at worst, cause permanent damage to your skin.


nuGlow RGB Light Therapy Author

The nuGlow RGB Light Therapy is the ultimate result of the sheer hard work and brilliant concept of Matthew Caldera and his team. This therapeutic, portable light has been created to bring out people of their low phases of life, where they think old age has taken over their joy and physical beauty. Matthew and his team of biohackers are dedicated to informing the world how the proper use of advanced technology can do wonders and unlock our full potential.

The ultimate goal of the creator of this unique product is to make everyone feel at peace and feel happy and beautiful from within. This can not only reduce the tension and unhappiness that come free with the natural aging process but also instill self-confidence in thousands of people to give their best to the world. Tight, spotless, young skin can make one look appealing and make them feel more confident about their presence, be it in family gatherings, official reunions, or anywhere in general.

Thus, nuGlow RGB Light Therapy 2020 has been created with a positive intention and a big dream to change the life of everyone residing all across the globe.

Matthew Caldera

How does nuGlow RGB Light Therapy work?

The nuGlow RGB Light Therapy is extremely simple to use. You just have to spare 10 minutes from your busy schedule, that too only thrice a week. The nuGlow waves adapt to your skin in no time, and you get to see noticeable results after 2-3 weeks of using it. Use it as per your convenience and from the comfort of your home.

The nuGlow RGB Light Therapy skincare asks you to follow just 4 simple steps to obtain a young and healthy skin.

  • Wash your skin – The first step is to exfoliate your face with your desired face wash and gently pat it dry. This is necessary before the light treatment as it washes off any dirt or oil from the surface of your skin, which might distort the light therapy – block the light waves from penetrating your skin.
  • Choose the LED color – As mentioned in nuGlow RGB Light Therapy review, The second step is to choose the right colored light for your skin therapy. There are 3 types of lights in this device – red, green, and blue, each with a different treatment purpose. Choose the light that is apt for your unique skin problem. You can easily do this from the control panel that is set below the circular spotlights.
  • Bathe in the curing light – Once you are done choosing the right colored light for your skin therapy, bathe in it for 10 minutes. All you have to do is press ‘On’ after choosing the right LED light color and sit in front of it. That is how simple it is.
  • Moisturize your skin – Post the therapeutic light treatment, do not forget to moisturize your skin with your trusted face cream. It helps to close the microscopic pores of your skin, preventing dirt and bacteria to enter and distort the light treatment.

These are the 4 simple steps to getting an even, smooth, and healthy-looking skin. No skincare clinics or professional skin experts can provide you with a service as easy and convenient as the nuGlow RGB Light Therapy. It is easy to use, cheap, and can be done from any spot, provided that you have the LED light therapy machine with you.

What is included in this nuGlow RGB Light Therapy?

The nuGlow RGB Light Therapy includes the amazing rectangular machine containing the tri-colored LED lights. It has a lightning cable connected to it, which you have to plug in prior to enjoying the skin therapy session.

Besides being supremely portable and easy to use, the nuGlow RGB Light Therapy contains 3 different coloreds LED light rays, which help to cure different skin problems.

  • Red Light – The 620nm red light beams help to allocate the right amount of collagen and elastin in your skin. This helps to tighten your slackened skin, giving it a natural plump and glow.
  • Green Light – The 490nm green light beams help you to achieve an even skin tone. It removes dark patches and dark circles from your entire face and enables you to generate a natural, even-looking complexion.
  • Blue Light – By analyzing nuGlow RGB Light Therapy review, The 450nm blue light beams help to treat painful and unpleasant acne and pimples. If left untreated, they can take up an inflammatory form and produce red bumps in your face, adding bacteria and oil to your skin. The blue light beams penetrate deep into your skin and help to kill the bacteria hiding underneath the acne and pimples.

These 3 light beams help you to get rid of almost all of your skin problems. They are 100% safe for use due to being free from ultraviolet rays. It also causes zero pain when you undergo light treatment.

Pros and Cons of nuGlow RGB Light Therapy

Let us take a quick look at all of the benefits offered by this therapeutic device:

  • It is available for purchase across the globe
  • The light is UV-free and has no side effects
  • It does not recommend the user to put on expensive creams, soaps, or skincare products
  • The device is portable and easy to use
  • Contains 3 different LED lights for different skin conditions
  • Is a lot less expensive than undergoing treatments in skincare clinics?

Let us now look at the two tiny drawbacks of this therapy:

  • An international credit card is needed for its purchase
  • It does not run on a battery, so the presence of electricity is a must for its usage

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Who can use this nuGlow RGB Light Therapy?

This product is mainly targeted to the aging population who are suffering from dull and unhealthy skin, with added problems of spots, wrinkles, and other skin conditions. But this therapy can also be used by people who have acne or pimple in their skin. The device features blue light pulses which kill bacteria within follicles and pores under the skin’s surface. Thus it treats mild to moderate acne and helps you achieve clear and bright skin in the comfort of home.


To sum it up nuGlow RGB Light Therapy review, is an all-in-one product, which has the ability to cure various skin problems. It has been specially created for people who are unhappy with the marks of aging that have appeared on their skin. With a price of just $399, a three-year guarantee, and a 30-day free trial, this product is great value for money.

The treatment method of nuGlow RGB Light Therapy is also FDA registered, putting a seal of assurance on it. It is worth a try because you get 30 days to change your mind and return it to the owner, in return for a complete refund.

Nikki Attkisson

With over 15 years as a practicing journalist, Nikki Attkisson found herself at Powdersville Post now after working at several other publications. She is an award-winning journalist with an entrepreneurial spirit and worked as a journalist covering technology, innovation, environmental issues, politics, health etc. Nikki Attkisson has also worked on product development, content strategy, and editorial management for numerous media companies. She began her career at local news stations and worked as a reporter in national newspapers.

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