Simpler Traffic Reviews: Is It The Most Simple Yet Effective Way To Generate Website Traffic?

John Furrier | Last Updated : October 17, 2023

I have been waiting for you as I know that you will open this Simpler Traffic review before it is too late. With the launching date ahead, Simpler Traffic has been transforming the internet into a frenzy. And the buzz seems to be electric, but is it worth it? 

You must have across various Simpler Traffic reviews, but I must say that none have thoroughly evaluated the program, however, I will be attempting to do it. According to the creators, Simpler Traffic is a brand new method to pile up 6-7 figure cash flow in just 90 days using real old-fashioned principles combined with new brand technology. It is said to be completely different from anything that you would have tried before to boost your online earnings.

Simpler Traffic Reviews: How Does It Help To Attract Audiences To Your Website?

Simpler Traffic system has been in the marketplace for the last 15 years, and they themselves haven’t created such irrefutable money-making before and that is making people more attracted toward the upcoming launch. 

There are plentiful Simpler Traffic reviews posted online, and according to those reviews, the program is mad powerful and the most profitable way to make money. I will analyze these claims thoroughly in the coming actions so that you may also understand the program better and enroll in it if you find it worthwhile. 

Simpler Traffic Review
NameSimpler Traffic
Main TargetTo generate website traffic
CreatorsChris Munch and Jay Cruiz
Consist Of▪ Simpler Traffic Course 
▪ AI Traffic Software
▪ Simpler Traffic Bonuses
Prelaunch Date17th October
Cart Opening Date24th October
Cart Closing Date2nd November
Benefits Offered▪ Induce Organic Traffic 
▪ Generate Revenue 
▪ Boost Search Rankings 
Refund Policy100% guarantee for 60 full days
AvailabilitySimpler Traffic Official website
Official websiteClick Here

Simpler Traffic: What Exactly Is This? 

Simpler Traffic is an innovative method used to generate 6-7-figure revenue with the help of organic traffic from the best sources online. It is a simple guide set up to enhance the cash flow within 90 days with practically zero competition. Before we get into the ins and outs of the program, let me tell you that the Simpler Traffic program is not only for established businesses but also for beginners. 

This powerful tool is a dual-component system comprising an informative course and AI Traffic Software that will be available to you on monthly subscription charges. Simpler Traffic course is set to transform you into an expert marketer within 3 months, regardless of your experience handling social media and your knowledge of technologies. It gives you a detailed blueprint on how to craft impactful posts that convert readers into customers.

While the course gives you theoretical knowledge, the AI Traffic Software helps redirect visitors to your platform, from the established online platforms owned by Simpler Traffic. It basically invites organic traffic to your site. This type of traffic is beneficial to businesses of any niche.

The Operational Mechanism Of This Simpler Traffic Technique

Simpler Traffic traffic generating program works by following a 5-phase process that was discovered based on new breakthrough research. To begin with, the 5 phase process initially focuses on finding your niche. The program follows a proven method that aids the students in selecting a potential niche from the countless opportunities. This process is followed with a unique offer scoring process that lets you identify the gold, while your competitors get distracted by the scaps.

After giving you a clear picture of your niche, it will redirect genuine visitors to your website from their rented websites or parked domains. The Simpler Traffic advanced program is designed in such a way as to distribute genuine visitors to your page after analyzing the visitors’ demographics and interests. Once you get much traffic, the software will take care of converting maximum visits into revenue via the MVP approach.

The Simpler Traffic online system is associated with a highly efficient low-tech solution that will help you grow a 6-7-figure income in 90 days. The last and most important step of the 5-phase method is continuous traffic generation. With Simpler Traffic course, you will be able to attract numerous new visitors and the process will continue until the end of your subscription. You can also drive traffic to other platforms such as eCom stores, agencies, lead pages, and others.

Masterminds Behind The Simpler Traffic Digital Program

The master brains behind the Simpler Traffic technology are industry veterans Chris Munch and Jay Cruiz. Chris Munch is an online entrepreneur who is well-known in the affiliate marketing community. He is the founder of MunchEye, a website known for product launches. All these reputations indicate Munch’s credibility in the marketplace. 

Simpler Traffic Creators

Jay Cruiz, on the other hand, has notably contributed to the development of AmpliFier and he is also equally important in the industry as Munch. Together, they are simply the process of driving traffic to your website and you can rest assured that you are learning from the industry experts. 

What Is Comprised Within Simpler Traffic 2023?

Simpler Traffic is a comprehensive package comprising Simpler Traffic Course and AI Traffic Software. In this section of the Simpler Traffic review, I will help you learn more about the course and the software to help you decide whether you should enroll in it or not. So, let’s start with the course. 

  • Simpler Traffic Course 

It is a step-by-step guide or a blueprint that teaches you how to create simple 7-minute posts to attract the attention of the visitors to eventually turn them into customers. It is great for both seasoned veterans as well as beginners. 

  • AI Traffic Software

The AI Traffic Software is what fuels the Simpler Traffic program. You will realize organic traffic generation is much easier with the help of this software. With its help, you will be able to drive traffic at will. You will get many visitors a day from different online super sites owned by the manufacturers of the program. The AI will automatically take those visitors to the site after confirming your niche matches with their interests. You can gain visitors on the basis of the keywords used. 

Simpler Traffic Guide

Simpler Traffic 2023 Launch Dates And Details Regarding It

The Simpler Traffic 2023 launch dates are as follows: 

Prelaunch starts on Tuesday, 17 October

Cart opens on Tuesday, 24 October 

Cart closes on Thursday, 2 November 

Keep these dates in mind so that you do not miss the opportunity to attend the session. There is a chance to experience trouble while registering, so you better keep trying until you book your slot. There will be so many people trying to jump on it and there is nothing you can do to surpass them other than keep on trying until the screen shows “maxed out.” 

Who Is The Target Audience Of Simpler Traffic Online System?

Simpler Traffic revenue-generating program is for everyone who is seeking ways to make money online fast. You can generate high-profit margins without buying any inventory. You do not have to have your own products to join the Simpler Traffic community.  

So, no matter if you do coaching, agency clients, expert consultation, or affiliate marketing, you can always make use of the Simpler Traffic program to make more money. In short, Simpler Traffic is for both accomplished businesses and beginners. 

Benefits Offered By Simpler Traffic Advanced Traffic Boosting Program

Without offering real benefits, the Simpler Traffic technique would not have remained on the market for as long as 15 years. So, it is apparent that the team has succeeded in bringing fruitful results over the past few years and some of the Simpler Traffic benefits are as follows: 

Induce Organic Traffic 

There is a plethora of options available for you to generate online traffic, but none of them have succeeded in bringing real people, or organic traffic to websites. Therefore, this is one of the biggest benefits you can expect from Simpler Traffic money money-making program. 

Generate Revenue 

Simpler Traffic method is specifically designed to enable you to earn 6-7-figure revenue in less than 3 months. It takes you through 5 unique steps to strengthen your business and by using its AI Traffic Software, it also ensures to convert the traffic into sales. 

Boost Search Rankings 

The basic search engine algorithm suggests you can elevate the ranking by hooking more users to your content. So, with the help of the AI traffic generator, you will not only attract more traffic to your website, but your niche will start to appear organically on each search engine platform by search. 

Simpler Traffic Pros And Cons 

Although I agree that Simpler Traffic is an effective traffic-cum money-generating tool, I cannot deny the fact that it is not perfect. Like other products or programs, it also contains a few disadvantages. So, let’s look at the pros and cons of the Simpler Traffic online program: 


  • It works the same for both established businesses and beginners 
  • It works for any niche 
  • It offers lifetime commissions to the affiliates
  • The program is backed with a 5-day money-back guarantee 
  • Provides 100% human traffic 


  • The result from Simpler Traffic may vary depending on the credibility of your niche
  • The conversion rate cannot be anticipated 

Simpler Traffic Customer Reviews: Did It Prove Advantageous For Them?

Simpler Traffic is not a new money-making tool. It has been in the marketplace since 2007 and has benefitted thousands of affiliates so far. Some affiliates are still getting paid and until now, more than $10 million has been paid to them. As per the Simpler Traffic customer reviews, over $50,000,000+ in sales are reported and over 100,000+ traffic campaigns are delivered.

All these indicate the Simpler Traffic website traffic-generating tool has been highly advantageous to mankind. However, some complain about the minimum number of slots made available each year. 

Simpler Traffic Price Details [ Based On Different Plans]

As per the Simpler Traffic official website, there is a series of traffic-generating plans that work on the basis of respective subscription charges. The following are the price details of each: 

Huddle Plan15k visitors$15 per month 
Crord Plan30k visitors$28 per month 
Club Plan45k visitors$40 per month
Festival Plan60k visitors$50 per month
Community Plan90k visitors$70 per month 
Metropolitan Plan150k visitors$110 per month 
Global Plan225k visitors$160 per month 
Cosmos Plan300k visitors$200 per month 
Universe Plan600k visitors$400 per month 

You can choose any of the Simpler Traffic plans from the above-mentioned and enjoy the first 5-day free trial. After 5 days, the plan will automatically move to a subscription basis, however, you can claim your investment back after 30 days in case you are dissatisfied with the results. This particular policy makes the deal risk-free. 

Simpler Traffic Bonuses To Boost Your Profit

In addition to the free trial and the 60-day refund policy, the Simpler Traffic creators also offer an exciting bonus that is designed to boost your outcomes. These bonuses multiply your profit without causing any additional charge. The Simpler Traffic bonus details are as follows: 

  • Organic Traffic Boost: The bonus ensures the traffic on your site is multiplied by amplifying your outcomes without changing the campaign.
  • Profit Increment: The bonus also ensures your profit is multiplied by maximizing your return on investment. You get to enjoy both these benefits along with the Simpler Traffic package at no additional expense. 

Summing Up: Simpler Traffic Reviews

We believe we’ve delved into all the details of this program thoroughly in this Simpler Traffic review. As you prepare for the Simpler Traffic launch, keep in mind the efficiency of this traffic-generating tool that could be a game changer for you. Genuine traffic is a bridge connecting your business with the target audience. Some people sarcastically say that the Simpler Traffic money-making system is quite boring as they can attain their mission with less effort.

So, be ready to enroll yourself in the Simpler Traffic program and sit back and relax watching your business achieve milestones one over the other. 


1. How does the Simpler Traffic 5-day free trial work? 

On every day, you will get 500 new visitors and that will be a total of 2500 visitors in 5 days. In case you did not cancel the plan, it will automatically get converted into a subscription. 

2. How can I cancel my Simpler Traffic subscription? 

You can log in to your PayPal account, find your subscription, and cancel it anytime you want. If you have multiple Simpler Traffic subscriptions, then you may only select the ones that you want to cancel. 

3. Does the Simpler Traffic advanced tool work on YouTube videos? 

Yes. But, there is no guarantee on the number of views you get. Because YouTube videos have several requirements such as the duration of the video to count as a view. 

4. How many conversions should I expect with the Simpler Traffic program

The conversion rate is entirely based on the ability of your website to convert the gained traffic into sales. Therefore, we cannot predict the exact conversion rate. 

5. Are the Simpler Traffic visitors real? 

Yes. Simpler Traffic has a domain network and it has an excessive amount of traffic and the same traffic is distributed among the subscribers. the program does not use any bots.

John Furrier

John Furrier is a techie with expertise in BlockChain, eCommerce. He has been working on the cutting-edge of technology for over 10 years. His work has earned him recognition as an emerging leader in this field for various magazines. He lives to break new ground and find ways to make things more efficient for his clients. John believes that “Successful people are always looking for creative solutions.”

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