Ways To Socialize After A Year Of Isolation

Nikki Attkisson | Last Updated : May 1, 2021

As the situation seems to be getting in control in the United States of America, we are sure many of you cannot wait to take a friend out to the Coffee Shop or the park. As people eagerly wait to head out with their loved ones, it is utterly important to spread around the word of wisdom when it comes to socializing, as it’s been over a year since the Pandemic has been tough on everybody.

Ways To Socialize After A Year Of Isolation 

Jane Webber, doctoral program coordinator and an assistant professor of counselor education at the Kean University, New Jersey, says there are ways one can prepare themselves, reemerging into the world as a social being! Here are a few answered questions-

Normal To Be Nervous About Socializing Post-Pandemic? 

Jane says absolutely yes! It is normal to be nervous about socializing as every individual has just come out of an abnormal situation, never faced before. It surely is a traumatic event and just like every traumatic event, it does get scary to step out and ask, Am I safe? Is one safe to go back to socializing?…

Best People to Reach Out to Post-Pandemic?

Jane Webber says that reconnecting with people you know first, is the key. Since you already have a sense of friendship and you can trust your friends with hygiene safety etc. She says, sometimes safety is the key to build out confidence, a step further. Isolation is surely difficult, and what if you have nobody to meet with? A small support group, that connects people with common interests should be the priority. When one meets other people that share common interests, the anxiety level is much lower. 

 Facing Anxiety During a Conversation?

It is normal to face anxiety during a conversation, especially after isolating yourself. A quite deep breath, saying, bring the calmness in and a deep breath out, saying, send the anxiety out shall do the trick, surely not saying it out loud. 

Safest Topics to Discuss With People Post-Pandemic?

Anything related to the Pandemic should be avoided, during any discussion. Break out into topics you usually would talk about as constantly talking about something problematic, that each one of us has just gotten out of, is calling for negativity. 

If A Topic Comes Up and You’re Not Ready to Talk About It?

Jane says she would prefer saying “Let’s not talk about it” as all of us have survived a pandemic which surely isn’t a joke. It’s always good to make sure you have something else in the discussion, that you are ready to splurge. After all, if one continues to talk about a topic you prefer not communicating about, that person is just not the one to discuss with, Webber says. 

Why Go into the World Again?

We are human beings that flourish by social connections. Humans are known to have a full and fresh life when with other human beings. Isolation surely wasn’t fun in any way, we yet survived it, without feeling human. It is understandable how scary it can be to take that first step.

Jane adds how grateful she is for the people in her life even though, post-pandemic, she has no idea how it is going to go. She says when she finally visits her loved ones, outdoors or indoors, she shall take a deep breath and break in a smile and say “Glad to see you again!”

Most of the population in the states have received the vaccine, at least with one dosage, people are still fearing contributing to the spread of the coronavirus and nobody seems ready for that. Hence keep the distance maintained even though the situation is looking under control. 

Nikki Attkisson

With over 15 years as a practicing journalist, Nikki Attkisson found herself at Powdersville Post now after working at several other publications. She is an award-winning journalist with an entrepreneurial spirit and worked as a journalist covering technology, innovation, environmental issues, politics, health etc. Nikki Attkisson has also worked on product development, content strategy, and editorial management for numerous media companies. She began her career at local news stations and worked as a reporter in national newspapers.

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