40% Of People With Coronavirus Won’t Show Symptoms

40% Of People With Coronavirus Won’t Show Symptoms

Coronavirus has now infected all the countries worldwide and the death rate is more than 5 million. In the latest study, researchers have found that 40% of the infections are asymptomatic which means people won’t be showing any symptoms, but the virus would be present in their body. These types won’t be life-threatening but will…

Omicron Spreading Fast Than Ever Says Fauci – Latest News

Omicron Spreading Fast Than Ever Says Fauci – Latest News

White House medical advisor and the director of National Institute of Infectious Disease and Allergy Dr. Anthony Fauci on Sunday stated that Omicron is raging all over the world. He stated that President Joe Biden is preparing to issue a warning to all Americans that they should be prepared for the harsh winter season. Omicron…

Biden Will Be Addressing The Americans On Increasing Omicron Cases

Biden Will Be Addressing The Americans On Increasing Omicron Cases

The US has seen an alarming rate of increase of the new variant Omicron and the president is concerned over the surge in the winter cases especially after the gatherings and traveling. Biden administration has so far laid down many guidelines to combat the emergence of new infections including masking and vaccinations. But to make…

No Masks Seen In A Senate Hearing For Airlines – Latest News

No Masks Seen In A Senate Hearing For Airlines – Latest News

Since the pandemic began the government has been stressing about wearing masks and maintaining social distancing. However, in the latest Senate hearing with airline chiefs last week it was found that many of the people were not wearing masks and many did not even maintain social distancing. No Masks Seen In A Senate Hearing For…