Keeping Homeless People In Isolated Hotel Rooms Helped A Long Way

Keeping Homeless People In Isolated Hotel Rooms Helped A Long Way

It has been proven numerous times that social distancing goes a long way in breaking the covid chain. Similar is the result when the city of Chicago in April 2020 arranged 200 rooms for the homeless people. The rooms were provided to people who had severe health conditions due to covid and most of the…

Generators Causing Death Due To Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Generators Causing Death Due To Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Fresh oxygen is of utmost importance for people to lead a healthy and fit life. However, many people will now have o switch to generators as a tornado hit 6 states causing massive power outages. The most damage has been caused in Tennessee, Mississippi, and Missouri where many people have reported multiple property damage and…

Treat Yourself To Some Refreshing Winter Drinks This Year

Treat Yourself To Some Refreshing Winter Drinks This Year

Winter times are possibly the best times to chill out! A cup of steaming hot coffee or tea topped with cream and loaded with sugar. Sounds perfect for those chilling afternoons, right? But for those who strictly count on their calories, the treatment can sometimes be a cause of worry. But with nature’s plenty of…