Worried About The New Omicron Strain’s Fangs? Hear From Experts

Worried About The New Omicron Strain’s Fangs? Hear From Experts

Two new cases in the US supposedly of Omicron infection have raised questions of protecting selves from the new variant. The reported cases are said to have been fully vaccinated. Then what more is needed to guard ourselves against getting infected by the virus? Experts say vaccination is still the answer to this question besides…

Recent Study: Viagra Prevents Alzheimer’s

Recent Study: Viagra Prevents Alzheimer’s

According to Alzheimer’s Association, a voluntary health organization, more than 6 million Americans have Alzheimer’s disease. 72% of people diagnosed with Alzheimer’s dementia are above 75 years. The country is in dire straits as the aged population is increasing and so do the number of people with Alzheimer’s. Viagra Prevents Alzheimer’s It is a progressive…

Should You Go For Moderna Or Pfizer? Research Clears The Doubts

Should You Go For Moderna Or Pfizer? Research Clears The Doubts

The year 2020 faced a whirlpool of challenges and the steadily rising death tolls determined scientists to come up with immunization rescues to prevent mankind from almost going extinct. Many vaccine enterprises came forward and rewarded the world with some novel solutions. Should You Go For Moderna Or Pfizer? Research Clears The Doubts Amongst those,…

Psilocybin May Make Its Way Into Mainstream Therapy

Psilocybin May Make Its Way Into Mainstream Therapy

While fearing death due to stage 4 prostate cancer and being depressed simultaneously, Tony Head took a huge dose of psilocybin, which is a psychedelic agent commonly called ‘magic mushrooms. He did this as a part of a supervised study. Psilocybin May Make Its Way Into Mainstream Therapy He had an experience that changed his…