Corporate America Is Walking Down The Safe Path; Several Companies Introduce Vaccination Mandates

Corporate America Is Walking Down The Safe Path; Several Companies Introduce Vaccination Mandates

After months of hesitation, reluctance, and fear of backlash, Corporate America is moving towards keeping the workers and their employees safe. Sundar Pichai, Google CEO, announced vaccine mandates for the workers who are coming back to the workplace. The tech giant Facebook mandates the employees to get vaccinated before joining the office. Streaming giant Netflix…

Biden’s Take On Unvaccinated; Possible Link Between Coronavirus And Dementia- Latest COVID-19 Updates

Biden’s Take On Unvaccinated; Possible Link Between Coronavirus And Dementia- Latest COVID-19 Updates

Amidst the pandemic taking its toll again, easing up the restrictions doesn’t seem like a good idea. On Thursday, President Joe Biden declared measures to convince Americans to get vaccinated. Incentives were introduced and mandates were imposed. Incentives are in the form of cash prizes, lotteries, college, and school scholarships. But those who are stubborn…

A Yet Another Variant Reported In South Florida; High Time People Get Vaccinated

A Yet Another Variant Reported In South Florida; High Time People Get Vaccinated

Reporting in patients of South Florida, a new COVID-19 variant has been discovered in Columbia. This has concerned the health officials, who are already stuck with vaccine-hesitant people in the delta variant. The CEO of Jackson Health System, Carlos Migoya said recently that the B.1.621 variant has been reported in more than ten percent of…

Delta Variant Adds To The Mix Of Worries At The Fed

Delta Variant Adds To The Mix Of Worries At The Fed

It’s consistently a difficult exercise at the Federal Reserve Board: Keep cash modest and the economy streaming, taking a chance with the anger of swelling, or attempt to back development off while not welcoming on a downturn.  Yet, presently there’s another component in the blend as the Fed finishes its two-day meeting Wednesday: an exceptionally…