Federal Reserve Worried About The New Delta Variant

Federal Reserve Worried About The New Delta Variant

It is always a tightrope act at the Federal Reserve Board: Keep money cheap and the economy in a flowing state while risking inflation, or try and slow down growth while risking recession. This is the case under general circumstances, but now, there’s an added variable: as the Fed completes its 2-day meeting, a highly…

State Legislature Brings New Health Care Laws, Relieves Immigrants

State Legislature Brings New Health Care Laws, Relieves Immigrants

The immigrant population of California has a reason to rejoice, as the state legislation extends their health care policies, so far that remained unattended. The large section of unauthorized citizens will now give a sigh of relief as the state decides to take care of their needs. AB 133, a health care trailer bill has…

How Do I Choose A first-line Hypertension Medication?

How Do I Choose A first-line Hypertension Medication?

The first-line treatment of high blood pressure is equally effective with both ACE inhibitors and ARBs. The number of doctors prescribing ACE inhibitors is higher than the number of doctors prescribing ARBs. There have been only a few studies that directly compare the two drug classes. The recently published study by the American Heart Association,…