Have Humans Hit A Plateau In Terms Of Olympian Performance?

Have Humans Hit A Plateau In Terms Of Olympian Performance?

What every athlete at the Tokyo Olympics will be striving for – “faster, higher, stronger” is also the motto of the Olympics. How much a human can accomplish is determined by multiple factors which include genetic, psychological and environmental factors. A few experts believe that humans have achieved as much as they possibly can. An…

Unvaccinated People Should Avoid Social Places

Unvaccinated People Should Avoid Social Places

With rising in case of Covid-19 and less than half of the population of the US being fully vaccinated, experts are requesting the citizens to take precautions as they were taking at the beginning of the pandemic.  Dr. Jonathan Reiner, CNN Medical Analyst, Professor of medicine and surgery at George Washington University told CNN’s Fredricka…

Can Sleep Apnea Lead To Cardiovascular Disease?-Health News

Can Sleep Apnea Lead To Cardiovascular Disease?-Health News

Sleep apnea that is at a severe stage has been associated with significant changes in critical arteries and could speed up the aging of your vascular system according to new research. What Is Sleep Apnea? According to Mayo Clinic, sleep apnea is a potentially serious sleep disorder in which breathing repeatedly stops and starts. If…

Pediatricians Are The Key To Get The Children Vaccinated With Hesitant Parents

Pediatricians Are The Key To Get The Children Vaccinated With Hesitant Parents

Schools are reopening in the US and parents are still unsure whether to get their children vaccinated against Covid-19. According to a new report, 50% of parents of children between 12 to 18 and 70% of parents having children between 3 to 11 have not consulted with their pediatrician yet for the vaccination. Out of…