Getting Regular Exercise Through Swimming Benefits Our Mind And Body

Getting Regular Exercise Through Swimming Benefits Our Mind And Body

Dr. Mark Lieber told CNN that the last time he went swimming was over a year ago. His mind turned back to the stressful events from the past 16 months as he stood over the sparkling blue pool at my neighborhood gym: moving to a new city during a pandemic, completing a residency program for…

Families And Friends Play A Key Part In Converting A ‘No’ To A ‘Yes’ On Vaccination

Families And Friends Play A Key Part In Converting A ‘No’ To A ‘Yes’ On Vaccination

Officials from government departments and public health groups have tried everything in their power to spread the word about the COVID-19 vaccination – advertisements, news releases, cash lotteries, and sometimes free joints, beer, or doughnuts. An opinion poll by the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) found that parents, friends, and doctors are key influencers for vaccine…

Do Not Fall For Fake Claims; Viruses Can Mutate and Become Lethal

Do Not Fall For Fake Claims; Viruses Can Mutate and Become Lethal

The Delta variant of coronavirus is currently spreading itself on the lands of the US, amidst which a new strain, Lambda, is gaining momentum. It was earlier found for the first time in 2020 August in Peru. A new form of the virus is concerning because it could bring back the long-lost torments of deaths,…