Obesity Improves The Chances Of Surviving Advanced Prostate Cancer

Obesity Improves The Chances Of Surviving Advanced Prostate Cancer

Obesity is a state of the body that can invite many health disorders as per experts but now new research has come up with some good news for people in this category which can make them a little resistant to gaining a better stature. The research is carried out by experts to find the correlation…

According To A Latest Analysis, Silver Foil Can Minimize The Chance Of Infections In Clinics

According To A Latest Analysis, Silver Foil Can Minimize The Chance Of Infections In Clinics

In clinical areas, the accumulation of viruses and bacteria can be a serious issue and that is why a few experts have carried out research where they found silver foil as a good option to keep things free from such germs. It can keep things not only safe from germs but also prevent the expansion…

Women With Cancer May Benefit From Addressing Social Needs

Women With Cancer May Benefit From Addressing Social Needs

For women breast cancers, and other gynecological problems that lead to cancer are not addressed properly and as a result, many of them are not able to get the right treatment also. This situation has been inferred from a social survey conducted by an expert which has thrown light on the medical condition of many…

Antibiotic-Resistant Superbugs Could Spread In Clinics, According To A Research

Antibiotic-Resistant Superbugs Could Spread In Clinics, According To A Research

As per the latest research, antibiotic drugs are again in trouble due to the presence and spread of a superbug that can easily counter these drugs and still spread at a considerable rate. The research was conducted by the experts to understand the spread of infection among patients from clinics and medical centers which have…