Benefits Of Blood Pressure Medicines For Older Adults Memory

Benefits Of Blood Pressure Medicines For Older Adults Memory

A recent study shows that older individuals who use particular blood pressure medications may preserve more of their cognitive abilities as they age. Benefits Of Blood Pressure Medicines For Older Adults Memory Researchers discovered the advantage in older individuals who take medicines that pass across the blood-brain barrier, which is a boundary of specialized cells…

Anxiety And Depression In Heart Patients May Be Reduced With A New Psychotherapy

Anxiety And Depression In Heart Patients May Be Reduced With A New Psychotherapy

According to recent research, a kind of psychotherapy that modifies how people manage their thinking patterns may lessen anxiety and despair in patients recovering from cardiac issues. The study, published Monday in the American Heart Association journal Circulation, discovered that one in every three patients who participated in metacognitive therapy, or MCT, during cardiac rehabilitation…

The Supreme Court Quashes Challenge To ‘Obamacare’

The Supreme Court Quashes Challenge To ‘Obamacare’

The Supreme Court of the United States of America has quashed the challenge that was put on the national medical insurance under the federal scheme of ‘Obamacare’ which is the official Affordable Care Act . This Act came into effect under the Presidency of Barack Obama. This Act ensures insurance to millions of Americans for…

Americans Are Susceptible To Long-Term Health Complications Caused By Kissing Bugs

Americans Are Susceptible To Long-Term Health Complications Caused By Kissing Bugs

Every year warnings are issued by the authority addressing the people to be aware against diseases caused by bugs and insects. However, the risk posed by a triatomine bug called the kissing bug has gone unnoticed so far. Americans Are Susceptible To Long-Term Health Complications Caused By Kissing Bugs These bugs carry a lethal parasite…