Wonders Of Okra; More Than One Reason To Love The Humble Vegetable

Wonders Of Okra; More Than One Reason To Love The Humble Vegetable

Most of the people who do not like okra have reached the conclusion after two probable encounters. Either they have never tried okra or they have tried cooking it, the end result turned out to be horrible enough to repulse them for a long time. Wonders Of Okra; More Than One Reason To Love The…

Understanding Sneezing May Guide To Strategies To Stop The Spread Of Infectious Viruses

Understanding Sneezing May Guide To Strategies To Stop The Spread Of Infectious Viruses

Tickling in the nose can contribute to induce a sneeze, removing allergens and germs that cause illness. The cellular mechanisms that govern the sneeze reflex, however, extend well beyond the sinuses and are little known. A team lead by Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis researchers has now discovered particular cells and proteins that…

Uncovering Of Nano-Sized Metals In Alzheimer’s Patients Brain May Provide Information

Uncovering Of Nano-Sized Metals In Alzheimer’s Patients Brain May Provide Information

For the first time, scientists discovered elemental, uncharged iron and copper deposits in human tissue. The metals were identified in postmortem brain samples from two people with Alzheimer’s disease by an international team of experts. Uncovering Of Nano-Sized Metals In Alzheimer’s Patients Brain May Provide Information Many enzymes that catalyze chemical processes in cells require…

The Church Is A New Health-Care Alternative For The Black Population

The Church Is A New Health-Care Alternative For The Black Population

The Rev. Joseph Jackson Jr. praises the Lord in front of his congregation every Sunday at Friendship Missionary Baptist Church. However, he has been touting something else that his Black community requires since last fall: the COVID-19 vaccination. The Church Is A New Health-Care Alternative For The Black Population Some want to expand their activities…