Dementia Risk Due To New Class Of Statins

Dementia Risk Due To New Class Of Statins

Tiny, early research shows that some cholesterol-lowering medications may hasten dementia in certain older individuals whose memory is deteriorating. Dementia Risk Due To New Class Of Statins The researchers discovered that among 300 older individuals with modest cognitive and memory impairment, those using “lipophilic” statins were more likely to acquire dementia over the next eight…

Cutting Calories Is A Better Option For Losing Weight

Cutting Calories Is A Better Option For Losing Weight

Intermittent fasting regimens are popular, but recent clinical study results show that they are no more effective than basic calorie restriction. Cutting Calories Is A Better Option For Losing Weight An international team of researchers revealed that those who merely decreased their daily calories by 25% lost the greatest weight and fat tissue after three…

Colorado Children Hospital Announced An Emergency For Children’s Mental Health

Colorado Children Hospital Announced An Emergency For Children’s Mental Health

Youngsters and teenagers are suffering from melancholy and anxiety at such a high rate fifteen months into the pandemic that several Colorado children attempt suicide every week. This is both unacceptable and upsetting. Colorado Children Hospital Announced An Emergency For Children’s Mental Health Children’s Hospital Colorado has declared a state of emergency for pediatric mental…

As The Variant Infection Spreads, The Vaccination Efforts Go Down The Lane

As The Variant Infection Spreads, The Vaccination Efforts Go Down The Lane

The coronavirus outbreak which has lead to so many deaths across the world has been increasing and it has become quite difficult to stop even the countries that have been providing people with vaccinations. The increase in the number of infections has given the coronavirus an opportunity to multiply and given a variant that is…