All That We Need To Know About Vegetarian And Vegan Diets

All That We Need To Know About Vegetarian And Vegan Diets

Until the recent past being a vegetarian or a vegan was seen as a fancy lifestyle choice mainly in the US, and anything that is at the edge of society has some myths and misconceptions associated with it. Surprisingly enough such choices often spark a lot of controversy and rage among few sections of society….

Absolute Rest May Not Be Best For Sports-Related Concussions

Absolute Rest May Not Be Best For Sports-Related Concussions

Strict rest is not suggested after a concussion because it may impede healing, according to an updated consensus statement from a U.S. expert group. Absolute Rest May Not Be Best For Sports-Related Concussions According to a statement published on June 15 in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, most adult athletes recover completely in two…

A Calorie Deficit Is More Efficient In Losing Weight

A Calorie Deficit Is More Efficient In Losing Weight

People worldwide are becoming more and more health-conscious and trying to be healthy and fit to avoid any type of health-related problems. People are using different methodologies such as exercise, dieting, medications, or even surgeries. The majority of them are combining diet and exercise to lose weight. The most common type of diet is intermittent…

Is It True That Females Absorb Toxins Through Their Cosmetics?

Is It True That Females Absorb Toxins Through Their Cosmetics?

A glossy, flawlessly bring appearance can improve your attitude significantly; however, recent research suggests that some of the cosmetics used to attain this appearance may be hazardous to your health. According to studies, many skincare items in the United States and Canada appeared to have elevated amounts of per- & poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), a highly…