Artificial Intelligence Foresee Disease Severity And Future Pandemics By Using Past Pandemic Infections Data

Artificial Intelligence Foresee Disease Severity And Future Pandemics By Using Past Pandemic Infections Data

Researchers at the University of California San Diego School of Medicine used an artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm to sift through terabytes of gene expression data, which shows which genes are on or off during infection, to find shared patterns in patients who had previously contracted pandemic viral infections such as SARS, MERS, and swine flu….

A New More Dangerous Covid-19 Variant Can Set Back The Progress Against The Pandemic

A New More Dangerous Covid-19 Variant Can Set Back The Progress Against The Pandemic

In the last few weeks, the rate of hospitalization and deaths has seen a steady decline in the states. With the decline in the severity of the infection, most of the restrictions have been eased out in multiple states. A New More Dangerous Covid-19 Variant Can Set Back The Progress Against The Pandemic However, officials…

Pandemic Resulted In An Increased Suicide Attempts Among Teen Girls

Pandemic Resulted In An Increased Suicide Attempts Among Teen Girls

A new CDC study finds that there has been a menacing rise in suicide rates in adolescent girls in the U.S since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic.  The CDC published the report in the study on Friday eventually after they found out that it was since May 2020, the emergency department visits to the…