Too Many Women Showing Up In E.R Because Of Fibroids

Too Many Women Showing Up In E.R Because Of Fibroids

According to recent 12-year research, just too many women are visiting emergency departments in the United States due to fibroids. Too Many Women Showing Up In E.R Because Of Fibroids Fibroids are frequent noncancerous uterine growths. They don’t usually create symptoms, but when they do, they can cause excessive menstrual flow and severe stomach pain….

An Increase In Substance Abuse By People In Rural America Lead To Massive Deaths

An Increase In Substance Abuse By People In Rural America Lead To Massive Deaths

When compared to urban areas of America, deaths due to substance use and bad conditions of chronic health are greater in number among the rural areas of America. The study reported by the researchers shows that the difference in death rates between urban and rural areas has been tripled in the past twenty years, with…

Telehealth Is A New Way Ahead; A Less Common Collateral Effect Of The Pandemic

Telehealth Is A New Way Ahead; A Less Common Collateral Effect Of The Pandemic

The looming threat of the coronavirus is slowly waning away and life is gradually going back to normalcy is not only in the states but across the globe. Telehealth Is A New Way Ahead; A Less Common Collateral Effect Of The Pandemic Telehealth, a phenomenon that emerged during the peak of the pandemic has made…

Tackling Some Myths And Misconceptions About Allergies

Tackling Some Myths And Misconceptions About Allergies

Allergies can be simply defined as an exaggerated immune response of the body caused by some foreign object. Some of the common symptoms associated with allergies are sneezing, itchy eyes, and wheezing. Tackling Some Myths And Misconceptions About Allergies The severity of allergic reactions varies from one person to another; while for some, it can…