Methylene Chloride In Paint Remover Leads To Deaths In The Workplace

Methylene Chloride In Paint Remover Leads To Deaths In The Workplace

Paint stripper or paint remover is a type of liquid designed to remove paint, furnishings and in coating the layer. It is a solvent chemical, Methylene Chloride, also known as dichloromethane found in the paint remover, strippers, degreases and adhesives. Methylene Chloride In Paint Remover Leads To Deaths In The Workplace When this is inhaled, it…

Can Mindfulness Affect Prosocial Behavior?

Can Mindfulness Affect Prosocial Behavior?

Mindfulness has been making news for quite some time now due to its positive impacts on mental health. But recent findings of the University of Buffalo suggest that mindfulness may cause a person to act selfishly.  Can Mindfulness Affect Prosocial Behavior? Mindfulness is explained in different ways. Prof. Jon Kabat-Zinn described mindfulness in 1994 as…

Responsible, Unexpected, And Sandwich Generation: Young Adults

Responsible, Unexpected, And Sandwich Generation: Young Adults

Middle-aged people are mainly the ones who are career-focused with a super busy schedule, but surprisingly, that just the one side of the coin and not the entire story. According to new research, people aged between 13 and 24 are putting their much effort into sharing love and care than expected. Numerous individuals see moderately…

A Real-Life Story Of Mental Toll: After Two Heart Valve Surgeries

A Real-Life Story Of Mental Toll: After Two Heart Valve Surgeries

Ever heard of a defective mitral valve? Here’s all you need to know. Ivan Hernandez, a baby with a faulty mitral valve, was warned by the doctors that he could need surgery at any time. But surprisingly, he never needed any of those surgeries until his annual echocardiogram in 2014. Ivan grew up with a…