ICE Issued New Guidelines For The Migrant Arrest Policy As Per The Biden’s Administration Interim Memo

ICE Issued New Guidelines For The Migrant Arrest Policy As Per The Biden’s Administration Interim Memo

Immigration and Customs Enforcement issued interim guidelines on Thursday regarding the arrest of the migrants. The ICE directed the agents to arrest migrants only if they feel that they pose some threat to public safety, national security, or who has recently crossed the border. It is expected that the move is going to limit the…

Buttigieg Made History When Sworn In By Kamala Harris

Buttigieg Made History When Sworn In By Kamala Harris

Pete Nuttigieg, former South Bend Mayor in Indiana, has been sworn in as President Biden’s transportation secretary. He had broken multiple barriers to be in this position.  He is the first openly gay member of the Cabinet that too with the Senate confirmation. Also, he is the youngest person now to lead the United States…

Biden Is Quite Successful In Erasing The Mark Of The Former Guy

Biden Is Quite Successful In Erasing The Mark Of The Former Guy

When the newly elected President Joe Biden entered the Oval Office for first as the president, a month before, his pens were already ready. There was a fine wooden box that bore the president’s seal and an imprint of Joe Biden’s signature. This micro mission was already accomplished even before his swearing ceremony completed. 4…