First Female Treasury Chief: America Rejoices Women Power

First Female Treasury Chief: America Rejoices Women Power

74-year-old Janet Yellen became the first female U.S Treasury Chief on Monday, creating history as she steps into her role of Biden’s covid-19 strategy and regulating America’s financial health.  The votes were 84-15 with Republicans opposing the vote most of whom have disagreements in the $1.9 trillion covid plan and various other initiatives of the…

California Lifts Lockdown: Experts Warn Safety Caution

California Lifts Lockdown: Experts Warn Safety Caution

California Governor Gavin Newsom has lifted the state’s lockdown measures allowing counties to reopen and function freely. But as per reports, hospitals and care units in South California and San Joaquin valley are overflowing with patients due to which health experts suggest that even though the lockdowns have been lifted, extreme precautions have to be…

America Set To Thrive Under The Black Vice President

America Set To Thrive Under The Black Vice President

Black women have always played a major role throughout America’s history.  With Kamala Harris elected as the Vice President of the country, it is a fantastic milestone for all the black community, especially black women. She is the first Black woman, the first South Asian woman as well as the first woman in America’s history…