Elections And The Protests Becoming a Headache For The Security

Elections And The Protests Becoming a Headache For The Security

In cities across the U.S. demonstrators took to the streets. Wednesday’s presidential election is inching closer to announcing a winner for the second night. The police is getting strict and trying hard to carry on the election process in a calm manner. Around Wednesdays and Saturdays, an alliance containing more than 165 grassroots parties, activist…

Racism And Health: The Connection challenging To Understand

Racism And Health: The Connection challenging To Understand

Nature formed the whole of humankind. It did not discriminate in any way among the inhabitants. Yet we talk about bigotry and prejudice. However, we are all about racism. In the United States of America, ethnic minorities such as the Blacks fail to access necessities of schooling, childcare and job opportunities. This injustice is very…

No Majority For The Democrats Now

No Majority For The Democrats Now

There has been an increasing content of drama concerning the elections which are already taking place in the country of the United States of America. Conservatives have fought off difficulties in various key Senate races, making it progressively impossible Democrats could win control of the chamber. Liberals need in any event two other successes to…