The Exodus Effect Reviews – Pastor Andrew’s Holy Anointed Oil Recipe Book Analyzed!

Dr. Ricardo Alvarez | Last Updated : September 30, 2021

You must be scouring for an expert The Exodus Effect review to check whether the program is reliable. If so, this is my genuine attempt after conducting in-depth research about this biblical secret.

Unlike any other The Exodus Effect reviews, here you will discover my personal and genuine understanding of this program. So that you can proceed with me to reach a mindful decision if you are looking forward to trying it. 

Maybe you are hearing about the program for the first time. But, I am sure that you have heard about holy anointed oil at least once in your life. Yes, I am talking about the medicinal oil that Jesus had used to anoint his people. So, how about recreating this sacred oil in 2021?

The Exodus Effect Reviews – Is It An Effective Solution For Getting Rid of Severe Chronic Pain?

Then it could be so great to alleviate your struggles one by one, couldn’t it? Yet, it is not so easy as the recipe had already been lost! But the mystery related to the holy anointed oil recipe is not a puzzle anymore. If you are curious, let’s sort things out through The Exodus Effect review. 

The Exodus Effect Reviews
Product NameThe Exodus Effect
CreatorsPastor Andrew and Dr. Sula Benet
Main BenefitsHelps to regain their strength, wellness and get rid of chronic pain
AuthorDeidre Jayko
Money-back guaranteeAnytime
Official WebsiteClick Here

What is the Exodus Effect?

The Exodus effect is a physical book written by Pastor Andrew that reveals the secret recipe of real holy anointed oil. The Exodus Effect book exposes the one single mistranslated biblical word which referred to a sacred plant, the prime ingredient of the holy anointed oil.

To be clear, God has clearly mentioned a herb that can cure almost all ailments in his original Hebrew version of the Bible. But when it was translated to Greek, an error had occurred, and even after two millennia, we still are unaware of it. 

However, the Exodus Effect book is the upshot of this controversial discovery and exposes the simplest method to bring the lost healing power of anointed oil into existence. It covers healing recipes with traces to the divine verses, so it promises to be effective to help you reach the ultimate solution to a number of your struggles. 

What is the Exodus Effect?

Creators of The Exodus Effect Guide Book?

As I mentioned earlier in The Exodus Effect review, the man who wrote the book is Pastor Andrew, a priest from Colorado. He happened to discover a controversial discovery while exploring the mysteries regarding the Holy Bible. The discovery was made by Dr. Sula Benet, back in 1939 which remained hidden due to its controversial nature or didn’t catch much attention yet.

Dr. Benet was a research scholar on ancient cultures and languages. She discovered that the word “Kaneh Bosem” from the book of Exodus Was mistranslated as “Sweet Calumus”, while the scholars were attempting to translate the original Hebrew version of the Bible to Greek. This led to the misinterpretation of the recipe of holy anointed oil, as Kaneh Bosem is one of the main ingredients God described while conversing with Moses. 

When Pastor Andrew came across this mystery, he did his research and after continuous attempts, utilizing his best knowledge in Hebrew, he could recreate the recipe of holy anointed oil. He also gave some of the oil to people with a variety of ailments, who belong to his congregation.

After he succeeded to see great results every day, he decided to coordinate every idea in a single book, and this is how he has created the Exodus Effect. With this book, he intended to help the needy, with simplified recipes everyone can prepare.  

What Does include In The Exodus Effect Recipe Book?

You can call the Exodus Effect an ultimate guide that leads you through every single step to prepare original holy anointed oil by yourself. So that you can finally find a solution to get rid of an array of both physical and emotional struggles. The creator has made it as simple as possible as it can help you to do the job without investing much effort. 

According to the author, the Exodus Effect is not simply a recipe book that steers you to prepare the real anointed oil. But at the same time, it covers several ways to customize and enhance it to target various health-related struggles. So, the Exodus Effect book can serve as a complete guide to wellness and improve the overall quality of your life, as it covers the secrets to living pain-free, extending your life, and looking younger. 

Take a look at some of the biblical secrets you can discover inside the program after following them correctly. 

  • The Divine Ratio: 

It covers ways to get every ingredient to be delivered to your doorstep within 48 hours. The Exodus Effect book gives you exact directions to mix them in the correct ratio, as per whichever be the condition or ailment you are undergoing.

  • Holy Bunion Blaster: 

If you are struggling with conditions like bunions, plantar fasciitis, toenail fungus, hammertoe, etc., following the steps included in the book can help you.

  • X-Ray Vision At Any Age:

The Exodus Effect Recipe book is also included with steps to help you with age-related vision loss, and other troubles related to your eyes as it discloses the secrets of holy anointed oil ingredients that are scientifically proven to improve eyesight. 

  • Best Shape Of Your Life: 

The reason behind being overweight is the excess presence of CB1 receptors in the body. Since anointed oil contains a significant ingredient, it blocks communication with them to help you lose weight and suppress your appetite much easier. 

  • Blood Sugar Balanced: 

A few ingredients used in the preparation of holy anointed oil have properties to stabilize your blood sugar levels and keep your insulin levels remain in a healthy range. 

  • Live Longer, Feel Stronger

Here, you can explore ways to extend your life or add a few years to your life span like Noah, Moses and Methuselah lived on the earth longer with all the youthfulness and energy. 

  • Unbreakable: 

As we get older, our bones lose mass and are more likely to get fractured and broken. But certain ingredients in the holy anointed oil help your bone to regain strength and mass.

  • Divine Coffee

Mixing a few drops of the oil along with a dab of a secret ingredient turns your morning coffee a holy boost and makes it more delicious as well as healthy. 

Click Here To Download The Exodus Effect eBook From The Official Website

Exodus Effect Holy Anointing Oil Ingredients

As I already gave you the hint earlier in The Exodus Effect review, the prime ingredient of the holy anointed oil is Kaneh Bosem, according to the Bible. It is a herb that is loaded with numerous medicinal properties. At the same time, some other specific ingredients make it capable of curing endless numbers of ailments. 

Here are some of the ingredients mentioned in the Holy Bible to prepare holy anointed oil. 

☘️Myrrh: it is of the 3 gifts brought by the Magi when they visited infant Jesus Christ. It contains a special molecule called AKBA, which exhibits a powerful anti-inflammatory efficacy. In a study published in The Journal Of Phytomedicine, it was given to patients with Osteoarthritis, and they could experience a significant decrease in knee pain, increase in knee flexion, and increased walking distance.   

☘️Cinnamon: this common spice is more than a flavoring agent for being loaded with a lot of benefits. Several studies also demonstrate that cinnamon can heal pain and inflammation, as well as it has antibacterial properties. 

☘️Cassia: according to a study published in the Journal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Technology and research, this rare flower has active compounds inside, to make it highly anti-inflammatory. Experts also say that it can naturally reduce symptoms of arthritis. 

☘️Olive oil: the ability of olive oil to relieve pain is little known. A 2018 study by scientists reported that the polyphenols in olive oil can improve symptoms of numerous inflammatory conditions including multiple sclerosis, inflammatory bowel disease, and rheumatoid arthritis

Exodus Effect Holy Anointing Oil Ingredients

Exodus Effect Recipe Guide Book Benefits

With Exodus Effect, you can get the exact steps to prepare holy annotated oil without any hassle. Once you succeed in the attempt it would be like opening a gateway of wellness. Besides the benefits you can achieve after using it can help you live an easier life. 

Here are the main benefits that you can expect to get from this book according to The Exodus Effect reviews.

Cure to numerous health issues: since the anointed oil is added with special ingredients of numerous medicinal properties, it can help you to cure almost all of your struggles. Besides, the Exodus Effect included various other recipes to customize the oil to target your specific issues in the best way.

Weight loss benefits: once you recreate the holy anointed oil, it can help you to lose weight as it can improve your entire system, as well as the natural fat-burning mechanism.

Enhanced sleep patterns: the oil can be used to relieve stress, anxiety, and fatigue. Similarly, it is capable of improving your mental clarity and focus as well. All these contribute to a good night’s sleep that you can enjoy every day.

Improved mood and focus: as you can use this oil to relieve stress and anxiety, it may result in improving your mood and focus in an impressive way.

Younger-looking skin: you can get rid of age spots and your skin can get a natural lift with the use of anointed oil.

Reduced risk of chronic diseases: frequent use of anointed oil can minimize the risk of chronic diseases like Alzheimer’s, cancer, and diabetes as it has numerous medicinal properties.

A deep connection to divinity: this sacred oil can make you connect with divinity deeply, as the recipe belongs to God himself.

Exodus Effects Pros and Cons


  • Easy to follow
  • Instant access
  • Available in both physical and digital format
  • The promise of 100% satisfaction with the results
  • Included with a lifelong money-back guarantee


  • It is exclusively available on the official page
  • individual results may vary
  • It requires you to follow the steps correctly 

How long will it take to see The Exodus Effects results?

It is not easy to mention a specific duration for anointed oil to give notable results. Because every individual is different, so is the intensity of their troubles. As it is also a single remedy to numerous issues, you cannot say the time it takes to cure all of them is unique. 

However, based on the experience shared by its real customers, the holy anointed oil may start to improve your conditions within a day or two. However, further analysis and research suggest that on average, it promises to give you notable differences within two weeks. 

Is the Exodus Effect Guide Book legit or not?

The Exodus effect book is something that has a closer connection to divinity. So, it will be futile to analyze its legitimacy, because no attempts have succeeded in proving the Bible to be wrong. To be clear, God himself has given the recipe of Anointed oil to mankind through his verses, therefore you can rest assured as it can give real-life results. 

At the same time, The Exodus Effect book is written by Pastor Andrew, a loyal priest who spends most of his time serving the Lord. Besides, the book is based on studies conducted by a well-known scholar Dr. Sula Benet, on which Pastor Andrew made a follow-up to rediscover the misinterpreted recipe to prepare holy anointed oil.

Both of these personalities have a piece of exceptional knowledge in Hebrew, Greek, and the Holy Bible as well. Above all, Pastor Andrew himself offers a 100% money-back guarantee for anyone who couldn’t find any results as promised. That means, if you are not fully satisfied with the Exodus Effect book, even after five years, he is ready to give you a full refund of your money. 

Exodus Effects Holy Anointing Oil Recipe Book Customer reviews & complaints

While proceeding with my research, I could find that the Exodus Effect customer reviews were seemingly positive. Besides, there is a significant number of people who are fully satisfied with the healing properties they could enjoy after correctly following the Exodus Effect guide.

To my amazement, I could see non-believers and those who are not so religious have been more attracted to Christianity after they experienced its true benefits. Whereas, some have complained they cannot accept anything against their beliefs when they came to know about the controversy behind Dr. Benet’s discovery and the controversial ingredient. Those complaints came from people who only have surface knowledge regarding the book, or are unaware of the truth behind it. 

Exodus Effects Holy Anointing Oil Recipe Book Customer reviews

Click Here To Download The Exodus Effect eBook From The Official Website

The Exodus Effect Book Price 

Pastor Andrew introduces his book at quite a reasonable price because he says he attempts to pass his knowledge to the needful. So, the total cost of the Exodus Effect book will cover the charges of printing, and distribution of the book as well as its website maintenance.  

So, as per the official website, the total price of the book is $67, including its free bonuses, and access to Prayer Warriors. Besides, you will not have to pay any additional shipping charge, to deliver the Exodus Effects book to your doorstep as well. 

However, right after you make your payment, you will be given access to the digital version of the book as well as the free bonuses. Also, your order will be protected by a 100% money-back guarantee.

Where to buy The Exodus Effect Holy Secret Recipe Book?

If you are planning to give Exodus Effect a try, ensure that you are buying it from the official website, as it is only where you can see it is available. This means you cannot purchase it from any offline or eCommerce stores like amazon.

Hence, be aware that there can be other sources with fake copies of the Exodus Effect guide to confusing you. So, you can click the link below to safely land on the official page of Exodus Effect, to avoid any such issues. 


Likewise, I mentioned in the price section, there would be three bonus gifts included with Exodus Effect, excluding access to the Prayer Warrior Network. 

Now, take a glance at the additional bonuses of Exodus Effect that are instantly downloadable. 

⭐️Divine Pet ($59.00 value)

This ebook can show you exactly how to use the secrets included in the Exodus Effect guide book with your bellowed pets, as they can also experience the healing benefits. 

⭐️ Lazarus effect ($59.00 value)

It is also an ebook that wraps the secrets to let you live another 20 to 30 years vibrantly, independently, healthily, without the struggles of age. It is similar to how Jesus Christ helped Lazarus to live another 100 years on the earth. 

⭐️ Hidden prayers ($59.00 value)

This is another ebook that includes 33 scriptures in the Bible or the hidden prayers. Using these prayers along with the holy anointed oil can let you experience truly divine miracles in life. 

Apart from all these bonuses, you will also get an opportunity to join the Prayer Warrior Network. Where you can share your miseries, struggles, and biggest challenges you face in life, and thousands of God-fearing people will be praying for you. 

The Exodus Effect Bonuses

Final Verdict on The Exodus Effect Reviews

Pastor Andrew’s Exodus Effect can be a beneficial book if you are in need of an ultimate cure to numerous struggles related to your health. Especially, if you are a true believer of God and his verses. It promises to give you the right recipe to prepare real holy anointed oil, and navigate you through the right ways to prepare it. 

By now, Pastor Andrew could help thousands of believers to regain their strength, wellness and get rid of chronic pain and life-threatening conditions based on the Exodus Effect reviews. They successfully have prepared the holy anointed oil and experienced its healing benefits as well. Since it is also added with free bonuses and customized recipes, you can have the keys to cure almost all of the struggles that make your life miserable. 

The author of Exodus Effect intends to spread his word to the needy through it, and he gives priority to the complete satisfaction of the users. So, he offers a 100% money-back guarantee to protect your order. This makes it risk-free for those who are interested to give it a try.  


Q Can holy anointed oil cure serious conditions like Alzheimer’s and nervous disorders?

Ans: Yes. with anointed oil, you can experience incredible benefits as it is capable of improving your overall health. Besides, using it in the right way after customizing it with the right ingredients can target certain conditions including chronic diseases like Alzheimer’s, nervous disorders, diabetes, etc. 

Q Is Exodus Effect a health transformation guide?

Ans: Indeed. You can call the book a health transformation guide as it navigates you through the right ways to prepare or recreate holy anointed oil. Once you succeed in the attempt, you can get the keys to unlock the secrets to pain-free and healthy well-being. 

Q Do I need to give any monthly payment after the purchase?

Ans: No. You just need to give a one-time payment to get access to the Exodus Effect. You need to pay this while purchasing it through a secure order page. 

Q How long will it take to get access to the digital copy of the book?

Ans: Once you make the payment, you will get instant access to the digital version of the book, which is downloadable through a given link.

Q What if it doesn’t work for me?

Ans: The author of the book, Pastor Andrew promises complete satisfaction with the results you can get after preparing your own anointed oil at home. If you didn’t succeed in this mission or it didn’t work for you, a 100% refund will be given.

Click Here To Download The Exodus Effect eBook From The Official Website

Dr. Ricardo Alvarez

Dr. Ricardo Alvarez was a former Medical professor and faculty at Harvard Medical school. After resigning, now he is practicing as a general physician who deals with the diagnosis and treatment of general health problems and disorders. He earned his MS and PhD from Columbia University. Ricardo Alvarez completed his undergraduate education from an accredited medical college under the University of London and completed his training from AMCAS and is a doctor with earned board certification.

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