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Study Shows One In Every 10 People Have Missed Their Second Dose Of Covid-19 Vaccine In The US

Study Shows One In Every 10 People Have Missed Their Second Dose Of Covid-19 Vaccine In The US

ByNikki AttkissonJun 28, 2021

As a more virulent and aggressive delta plus variant emerges in the US, health experts become increasingly concerned since one…

The Two Groups That Are Most effected by The Pandemic

The Two Groups That Are Most effected by The Pandemic

ByNikki AttkissonJun 26, 2021

The recent weeks, the number of new cases in the US has fallen steadily. However, a large section of the…

The COVID-Related Drop-In Life Expectancy Is Even Worse Among African-Americans And Hispanics

The COVID-Related Drop-In Life Expectancy Is Even Worse Among African-Americans And Hispanics

ByNikki AttkissonJun 26, 2021

According to experts, the COVID-19 pandemic reduced life expectancy in the United States significantly. Overall, life expectancy in the United…

Statins Can Reduce Cancer Risk In Individuals With Heart Problems

Statins Can Reduce Cancer Risk In Individuals With Heart Problems

ByNikki AttkissonJun 26, 2021

Many individuals with heart problems use cholesterol-lowering statins, and recent research shows that these medications may also reduce their risk…

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