China Has Constructed A Quarantine Facility For Foreign Visitors.
Nikki Attkisson | Last Updated : October 1, 2021Few nations are prepared to go to the lengths that China is willing to go in order to keep Covid-19 at bay. As nations across the globe reopen borders and relax coronavirus regulations, Beijing is redoubling its commitment to a zero-coronavirus policy in response.
China Has Constructed A Quarantine Facility With 5,000 Rooms For Foreign Visitors. It’s Possible That This Is The First Of Many
The most recent example is a $260 m, 5,000-room quarantine center for arriving visitors that is scheduled to open in the southern city of Guangzhou within the coming weeks.
The enormous, complex consists of rows of 3-story buildings capped with grey roofs in Chinese Traditional style, covers an equal area size of 46 football pitches, and is constructed from the start on the outskirts of town in less than three months.

Chinese and foreign visitors coming from abroad will be quarantined at designated hotels situated around Guangzhou, a measure intended to reduce the risk of exposure to suspected cases for local people.
Travelers will be transported straight from the airport on buses and will be required to remain in their accommodations for a minimum of two weeks. A video chatting camera, as well as an artificially intelligent thermometer, is installed in each room, and three meals are served by robots each day, all of which are intended to reduce direct interaction with staff workers. According to its official name, the Guangzhou International Medical Station is the world’s first international health station of its type. Experts, on the other hand, believe it may be more of the same as the Chinese government strengthens its uncompromising, zero-tolerance approach to the coronavirus in the country.
In fact, the industrial center of Dongguan, which is approximately an hour’s drive outside Guangzhou, is now constructing its own “global health station” with 2,000 units. Shenzhen, a technological center in the southern hemisphere, is also building a facility of this kind. The quarantine facility for foreign visitors in Guangzhou is made up of rows of buildings and contains a total of 5,000 rooms. China has been closing its borders to the majority of foreigners for more than 18 months. An obligatory hotel quarantine period of at least two weeks is followed by a centralized quarantine period of at least an additional week or home isolation for individuals who have not been completely immunized. Those who have been fully vaccinated are exempt from the quarantine requirement.
The virus, on the other hand, has consistently managed to get past China’s defenses. In May, an epidemic of the highly contagious Delta variety occurred in the south of China, which included the cities of Guangzhou and Shenzhen. As per a provincial health official, at the time, Guangdong received 90 percent of all international visitors entering China, with approximately 30,000 individuals quarantined in the province’s 300 centralized facilities on a regular basis, according to the province. The epidemic had been controlled in Guangdong by late June, but officials determined that current precautions were insufficient to keep the virus at bay. In an interview with state media, ZhongNanshan, a senior public health advisor to the government, said that Guangzhou would construct a centralized quarantine center for all foreign visitors in order to impose tighter regulations.
With over 15 years as a practicing journalist, Nikki Attkisson found herself at Powdersville Post now after working at several other publications. She is an award-winning journalist with an entrepreneurial spirit and worked as a journalist covering technology, innovation, environmental issues, politics, health etc. Nikki Attkisson has also worked on product development, content strategy, and editorial management for numerous media companies. She began her career at local news stations and worked as a reporter in national newspapers.