ProSolution Plus Reviews- An All-Natural Solution To Premature Ejaculation?

Dr. Ricardo Alvarez | Last Updated : December 3, 2020

Are ProSolution Plus reviews about how the supplement become the leader among natural male enhancement supplements? Can it increase libido and give you the best sex life? Let’s check out!

Aging and other factors affect many men to have a poor sex life. Most of them are worried about their performance in bed.

Hormonal imbalance, mental stress, and other factors can contribute to diminishing sexual performance. Unhealthy lifestyle choices can also be the culprit. If you are reading this, you might be also one among the many. 

ProSolution Plus Reviews- A Powerful Formula To Improve Male Sexual Functions!

You might find many male enhancement products in the market that offer optimal performance on the bed. One thing most men do as a first step when they find themselves with performance problems is to search on the web for a solution.

It is definitely a herculean task to find the right from the overwhelming list of supplements and medications. 

To give you a better picture, we have reviewed one of the most-discussed supplement- ProSolution Plus. ProSolution Plus supplement is in the market for more than 10 years.

ProSolution Plus customer reviews available on the web suggest it to be a good choice for men suffering from various sexual health problems. Now, let’s check out why ProSolution Plus can be a good option!

ProSolution Plus reviews
Product NameProSolution Plus
Main benefitsImprove male sexual functions
IngredientsTribulus Terrestris, Withania Somnifera, Asparagus Adscendens, Mucuna Pruriens, Asteracantha Longifolia, Curculigo Orchioides, Asphaltum
CategoryMale Enhancement
Administration RouteOral
DosageTake two tablets per day
Result3 to 4 weeks
Alcohol WarningNo Restriction
Side EffectsNo Major Side Effects
Quantity60 Tablets
Price $69.95 For one bottle
AvailabilityOnly through the official website
Official WebsiteClick Here

What is ProSolution Plus?

Staying in the market for over a decade itself is a considerable thing when you are looking for a dietary supplement.

Though there have been improvements in the formulation of ProSolution Plus supplement over the years, ProSolution Plus supplement remains one of the powerful solutions to improve male sexual functions.

We are not bragging about this ProSolution Plus supplement, but, reflecting the customer reviews received during the research.

As per ProSolution Plus reviews, ProSolution Plus can be defined as a natural libido pill formulated using all-natural ingredients.

ProSolution Plus supplement claims to be clinically tested and proven to enhance sex drive, performance, and stamina in bed.

The manufacturers also claim that ProSolution Plus supplement is considered as one of the leading natural virility supplement by men all over the world.

They call it the best-in-class supplement that increases sexual desire, stamina, satisfaction, and overall sexual health. 

As per the manufacturers, almost 10000 men have got benefitted from ProSolution Plus supplement. All the ingredients are used after extensive research, checking on each of their potential in improving sexual health.

Instead of claiming it to be a replacement for pharmaceuticals for men with advanced sexual problems, ProSolution Plus supplement can be called a time-tested formula to help increase their sexual satisfaction.

Keeping the research and shreds of evidence aside, all the ingredients in the supplement were found to be used for centuries to increase libido, stamina, and treat erectile dysfunction.

The manufacturers highlight the supplement to be an effective solution for premature ejaculation.        

Ingredients of ProSolution Plus

As pointed out earlier, the formula used in ProSolution Plus supplement is an elixir of male virility that combines minerals, herbals, nutrients, and vitamins.

It has been proven to be used in Ayurvedic and ancient Chinese medicine for over 4,000 years. When used accurately, ProSolution Plus ingredients are said to make 64% improvement in men with premature ejaculation symptoms.

Here are the main ingredients used:

???? Tribulus Terrestris

???? Withania Somnifera

???? Asparagus Adscendens

???? Mucuna Pruriens

???? Asteracantha Longifolia

???? Curculigo Orchioides

???? Asphaltum

prosolution plus ingredients

Tribulus Terrestris: It is a traditional herb of the Chinese native, used mostly as an aphrodisiac. According to the studies, the herb helps in relaxing the corpora cavernosa that results in an increase in intracavernous pressure, results in tackling problems with erection.

Withania Somnifera: It was found to be helpful in increasing the nitric oxide level, helping the corpora cavernosa to stay relaxed. The herb was also found to be effective in increasing the blood flow to the penis. 

Asparagus Adscendens: There are pieces of evidence regarding its ability to reduce stress and inflammatory conditions naturally.

Mucuna Pruriens: L-DOPA is a precursor to the neurotransmitter called I-dopamine, which is an active element of Mucuna Pruriens. It also helps in increasing the erection frequency and performance. 

Asteracantha Longifolia: The ingredient is noted to increase the sperm count and attraction towards the partner. According to clinical studies, the ingredient helps men have powerful and frequent orgasms along with better control over ejaculation. 

Curculigo Orchioides: The ingredient is proved to be helping in increasing sexual frequency, performance, and erection quality. It is also found to be beneficial in reducing your hesitation to engage in sexual activity.

Asphaltum: A kind of mineral wax, also known as Shilajit, is good in treating premature ejaculation and sexual dysfunction. It activates immunologic cells, thereby stimulating the release of cytokines.            

What benefits can you expect?

Checking out the claims of the manufacturers, we have had a run down through almost all the customer reviews and reports by genuine users.

ProSolution Plus benefits mentioned by the customers through their reviews are as follows:

✔️ Increased testosterone production: Low testosterone levels in men are one of the major causes of decreased libido and sexual performance. Apart from affecting sexual health, low testosterone levels may also contribute to increased body fat and the risk of depression. ProSolution Plus supplement increases the vital male sex hormones in the body to support sexual health.

✔️ Maintain erectile function: According to ProSolution Plus reviews, The formula used in ProSolution Plus supplement is found to increase and maintain an erection during sex by 67%.

✔️ Helps ejaculation control: ProSolution Plus supplement is found to help men with premature ejaculation issues. It helps them have longer and healthier ejaculations. 

✔️ Make it easier to have stronger orgasms: ProSolution Plus supplement contains a higher level of vitamins, potassium, thiamine, and folic acid, which help have better orgasms. 

✔️ Increase in libido: Low sexual desire affects better performance and overall sexual pleasure. ProSolution Plus helps in increasing the libido, thereby enhancing the relationship. 

✔️ Better circulation: Blood flow to the penis is a vital factor that affects sexual health. Improved blood flow to the penis can assure hard and powerful erections. ProSolution Plus supports efficient blood flow to the penis. 

✔️ Increased relaxation: An increase in the production of testosterone prevents the production of a stress hormone called cortisol. It helps in improving your mood and reducing stress.    

prosolution plus benefits

Side effects, Dosage & How to use it?

By reading ProSolution Plus reviews, there are no reports of side effects of using ProSolution Plus pills. It might be due to the precision and quality maintained in curating the formula.

It is said that all the ingredients are careful ideally dosed, and manufactured under the GMP-compliant facility.

ProSolution Plus side effects are not a matter of concern as there are more than enough pieces of evidence to prove the quality of ProSolution Plus supplement. 

It is recommended to take two tablets per day for the best results. The ideal time to take the ProSolution Plus supplement would be at night, after food, or just before going to bed.        

Is ProSolution Plus a magic pill?

ProSolution Plus is a natural, scientifically-proven dietary supplement to improve premature ejaculation and other issues related to sexual health.

By analyzing ProSolution Plus reviews, ProSolution Plus supplement is completely based on science and scientific research. It cannot be called a magic pill.

Apart from that, doctors have also endorsed this ProSolution Plus supplement for being effective in treating premature ejaculation. Other than the fact that it offers magical results, ProSolution Plus cannot be called a magic pill.   

How long will it take to see the result? 

For any supplement, it would require a minimum time to have any effect on the body. As ProSolution Plus supplement uses natural supplements to ensure safety, it might be a bit slow but steady in showing the progress.

You can expect the best results in 3 to 6 months of usage. But, as per the manufacturers, you can expect visible changes in 3 to 4 weeks. Always remember that the results are cumulative and can depend on various external factors. 

However, you don’t need to worry much about wasting your money on something that might not work. Because the manufacturers offer a 60 days money-back guarantee. 

How long would the results stay?

You will be able to notice lasting results that might stay for at least a few years if you take ProSolution Plus supplement properly.

You will also have to maintain a healthy lifestyle if you are expecting a lasting result using ProSolution Plus supplement.

It is recommended to use ProSolution Plus supplement for longer if you wish to enjoy life-changing benefits.

The higher packages are available at a discounted price that encourages customers to go for long-term packages.   

Price & Where to get it?

There are multiple pricing options as given on their official website. 

  • A one-month supply of 60 tablets can be purchased for a discounted price of $69.95.
  • The 2-month supply of 120 tablets can be bought at a discounted price of $119.95.
  • When you buy the 3-month supply package of $164.95, you will also get a free membership to Erection Fitness and a Natural Health Source’s gift card worth $25.
  • You can get the 4-month supply package for $209.95 along with a free membership to Erection Fitness and a Natural Health Source’s gift card worth $25.
  • With the 5-month supply package of $254.95, you will also receive a membership to Erection Fitness, Natural Health Source’s gift card worth $25, and a free month of Perosolution gel worth $50. 
  • The 6-month supply package costs $299.95, with bonuses such as a free month of Perosolution gel, Natural Health Source’s gift card, and membership to Erection Fitness.   
  • The best value package of a 12-month supply would cost $429.95. You will also get bonuses such as a free month of volume pills, a free month of Perosolution gel, Natural Health Source’s gift card, and membership to Erection Fitness.  

The official website of ProSolution Plus also offers a 60 days money-back guarantee. That is a full refund for you within 60 days of purchase, no questions asked. You can make use of this offer if you do not like ProSolution Plus for any reason. Just make sure that you purchase ProSolution Plus from its official website to take advantage of this risk-free, full refund policy.

ProSolution Plus Complaints and customer reviews:

There are no reports of product complaints and negative customer reviews reported for Prosolution Plus supplement.

It might be due to the tremendous tests and checks conducted on ProSolution Plus before releasing it to the public. All the reports and customer reviews support ProSolution Plus supplement for giving the best results.   

Is ProSolution Plus Scam or legit?

ProSolution Plus supplement is not at all a scam, which is proven by various factors. One of the main things that prove ProSolution Plus supplement to be legit is that it is endorsed by a medical doctor Dr. Dave David (M.D. & Surgeon).

He is a faculty member at Harvard University, who has endorsed the supplement for giving the best results.   

ProSolution Plus review- The Final Verdict

ProSolution Plus customer reviews and other reports suggest it to be a trustworthy solution for premature ejaculation problems in men.

As mentioned in ProSolution Plus reviews, It also ensures lasting pleasure in bed, improved libido, and enhanced sexual life.

There are no risks involved in purchasing and using the ProSolution Plus supplement, as there are a 60 days money-back guarantee, free shipping, and privacy assurance. 

You will have nothing to risk if you are to give it a try for 60 days!       

Dr. Ricardo Alvarez

Dr. Ricardo Alvarez was a former Medical professor and faculty at Harvard Medical school. After resigning, now he is practicing as a general physician who deals with the diagnosis and treatment of general health problems and disorders. He earned his MS and PhD from Columbia University. Ricardo Alvarez completed his undergraduate education from an accredited medical college under the University of London and completed his training from AMCAS and is a doctor with earned board certification.

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