Know Before Going For Your Annual Wellness Exam

Know Before Going For Your Annual Wellness Exam

The annual wellness exam plays a vital role both in your mental and physical health.  When the COVID 19 pandemic struck the world, health became all the more important. Know Before Going For Your Annual Wellness Exam The medical fraternity had warned the world that the health issues like asthma or heart ailments aggravate your…

Critical Weeks Ahead In Pandemic Fight Warns CDC Director

Critical Weeks Ahead In Pandemic Fight Warns CDC Director

According to commentators, with nearly 10 % or over 32 million Americans having received Covid-19 shots for full protection, the long battle against the virus seems to be nearing its end. The data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention hold out hope. Still, the virus can be effectively stopped in its tracks only…

CDC Releases Guidelines For Fully Vaccinated People

CDC Releases Guidelines For Fully Vaccinated People

The release of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s guidelines for fully vaccinated people had been welcomed in certain quarters with celebration, but some expected more from the long-awaited guidelines, which fell short, especially on travel, CNN reported.  CDC Releases Guidelines For Fully Vaccinated People According to experts, with the daily tally of…

Airliners Ask President Biden To Frame A Standardized Documentation For Air Passport

Airliners Ask President Biden To Frame A Standardized Documentation For Air Passport

Airliners and businesses are asking President Biden to frame a temporary and standardized documentation to help travellers show that they are tested and vaccinated for COVID 19. This, according to them, will boost the travel industry. Different countries and groups are working to frame a vaccine passport with a view to allow travel. But they…