Airbnb’s First Earnings To Be A Good Sign For Travel Industry

Airbnb’s First Earnings To Be A Good Sign For Travel Industry

Travelers have started returning to Airbnb’s platform in the third quarter of 2020 but they are staying away from the hotels. This showed that there is hope left for the travel industry in 2021. Airbnb Inc.’s business had declined due to the Covid-19 pandemic but has quickly rebounded back to the point in 2020 which…

Hospitals Facing Water Shortages Post Winter Storm

Hospitals Facing Water Shortages Post Winter Storm

The Southern part of the USA was hit severely with the winter storms causing a lot of destruction. While people are trying to recover from the disastrous event, the weather is now good. But now, many hospitals across the south are complaining of water shortages after the winter storm. During the winter storms earlier this…

President Joe Biden Has Nominated Garland To Focus On Civil Rights

President Joe Biden Has Nominated Garland To Focus On Civil Rights

President of the US, Joe Biden, has nominated Merrick Garland for the attorney general’s post. He will have to appear for confirmation of his hearing which will be a vow to combat attacks by extremists, giving priority to civil rights and making sure that the Judiciary remains independent from political control.  Garland was a judge…