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The Risk Of Canine Dementia Increases Each Year After Age 10

The Risk Of Canine Dementia Increases Each Year After Age 10

ByNikki AttkissonAug 29, 2022

As a part of the dog aging project conducted in the country of the United States of America, a new…

Exercises Can Outrun Your Bad Genes - What Study Says

Exercises Can Outrun Your Bad Genes – What Study Says?

ByNikki AttkissonAug 29, 2022

It is already known that the human body functions according to the composition of the genes. Most of the problems…

Covid-19, Monkeypox And HIV All Are Detected In The Same Italian Man

Covid-19, Monkeypox And HIV All Are Detected In The Same Italian Man

ByNikki AttkissonAug 29, 2022

An Italian man in his early 30s, who lives in the north of Italy, has tested positive for HIV and…

Sunscreen Won't Protect You From All Skin Damages -Dermatologist Tips

Sunscreen Won’t Protect You From All Skin Damages -Dermatologist Tips

ByNikki AttkissonAug 29, 2022

According to the latest finding published by the University of California, it has been brought forward that the sunscreen upon…

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