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Families And Friends Play A Key Part In Converting A ‘No’ To A ‘Yes’ On Vaccination

ByNikki AttkissonJul 17, 2021

Officials from government departments and public health groups have tried everything in their power to spread the word about the…


Do Not Fall For Fake Claims; Viruses Can Mutate and Become Lethal

BySpecial CorrespondentJul 17, 2021

The Delta variant of coronavirus is currently spreading itself on the lands of the US, amidst which a new strain,…


COVID 19 Delta Variant May Significantly Hit Growth In Southeast Asia, Predicts Goldman Sach

ByNikki AttkissonJul 17, 2021

Goldman Sachs has downgraded its growth forecast for main Southeast Asian economies for 2021. The region is struggling with the…

Wrong Kidney Recipient In Ohio Hospital

Wrong Kidney Recipient In Ohio Hospital

ByNikki AttkissonJul 16, 2021

A patient at University Hospitals Cleveland middle received an excretory organ transplant meant for an additional person. The hospital is…

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