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Singapore Minister Says The World Must Prepare For The Next Pandemic

Singapore Minister Says The World Must Prepare For The Next Pandemic

ByNikki AttkissonJul 14, 2021

The next pandemic may visit once again s per Singapore’s Tharman states. Next, the global pandemic is assumed to occur…

Belgian Woman Infected With Two Strains

Belgian Woman Infected With Two Strains

ByNikki AttkissonJul 14, 2021

As this phenomenon needs further research, much-needed research, experts put on the case study of a 90-year old woman from…

People With ADHD May Be More Susceptible To Physical Illness Than Other People

People With ADHD May Be More Susceptible To Physical Illness Than Other People: Study

ByNikki AttkissonJul 13, 2021

According to new research, ADHD individuals are at higher risk for diseases affecting the respiratory system, nervous system, musculoskeletal muscle…

Obesity Improves The Chances Of Surviving Advanced Prostate Cancer

Obesity Improves The Chances Of Surviving Advanced Prostate Cancer

ByNikki AttkissonJul 13, 2021

Obesity is a state of the body that can invite many health disorders as per experts but now new research…

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