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Healthy Living Can Lower Your Odds For Alzheimer’s

Healthy Living Can Lower Your Odds For Alzheimer’s

ByNikki AttkissonJul 1, 2021

If you know about Alzheimer’s disease, it has no cure which has come so far. But specialists have mentioned that…

Black Men Get Less Medical Cancer Attention In Prostate

Black Men Get Less Medical Cancer Attention In Prostate

ByNikki AttkissonJul 1, 2021

According to a study, the American Veterans who are black and suffering from severe prostate cancer have fewer chances of…


For Dementia Patients, Keeping The Same Nurse For All Home Health Care May Be Important

Dementia is a condition in which an individual’s intellectual performance which includes thinking, memorizing, understanding, and behavioral abilities has reached…

Walmart To Sell Its Own Insulin At Affordable Rates

Walmart To Sell Its Own Insulin At Affordable Rates

ByNikki AttkissonJul 1, 2021

On Tuesday, Walmart revealed that this will start offering its very own insulin label to increase the price of existing…

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