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Bedtime With A Pet Will Not Have A Negative Impact On The Sleep Quality Of Children

Bedtime With A Pet Will Not Have A Negative Impact On The Sleep Quality

ByNikki AttkissonMay 26, 2021

A pet is also known as the companion animal, is primarily kept for a person’s company for entertainment rather than…

Most People With Drinking Problems Ignore Treatments

Most People With Drinking Problems Ignore Treatments

ByNikki AttkissonMay 26, 2021

According to a recent survey, Americans with drinking issues are rarely recommended for therapy, even though the majority states that…

Pandemic Stress Leading Teens To Eating Disorders

Pandemic Stress Leading Teens To Eating Disorders

BySpecial CorrespondentMay 25, 2021

The conditions are going worse to no one’s surprise people are finding it very difficult to find hospital beds for…

Health Improvements Were Seen In The IBS Patients During The Lockdown

Health Improvements Were Seen In The IBS Patients During The Lockdown

ByDr. Ricardo AlvarezMay 25, 2021

When the patients were ordered to stay at home and follow lockdown due to COVID-19 infection, the patient’s irritable bowel…

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